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The Black Chameleon, First Time, (adults only)

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The Black Chameleon, First Time, (adults only)

Post by xBlackWolfx »

The reason I say 'adults only' is because what I ended up writing contains a brief reference to drugs, nothing more. I wasn't actually planning on sharing this when I wrote it, but afterwards I decided to upload it.

This is my first game, and my character's first fight. I did this primarily to test out the combat system. Anyway, without further a do, here's my characters stats (I'll put it in a spoiler box to save room, edit: apparently you can't use spoiler boxes on this forum, so I put his stats into a quote box instead, primarily to divide it from the story), followed by the story I wrote for him:
The Black Chameleon
20 pts (12 stats, 8 powers)
B2 A3 M1
Clinging, 1 pt
Super speed 5, tiring, priority x5, 5 pts
Swift strike, 1 pt
Invisibility 1, 1 pt
none (unskilled and young)
Instant Change, never surrender
Young, unskilled
Mental Malfunction:
Veangeful: This character hates to see injustice go unpunished, and can't accept defeat in such instances.
Young and vengeful, The Black Chameleon had no real talents or significant knowledge on anything. But after touching an ancient stone tablet he was granted superhuman agility and speed, not to mention increased strength and the ability to fade from sight, as long as he remains still. This all allowed him to finally lash out at all the things he hated, despite his complete and utter lack of useful skills.
He can transform into and out of his costume at will. Its a full-body costume with a full face mask that is mostly black with thick, dark-green stripes on his arms, torso, and legs. His eyes appear bright green.
Chapter 1: First night
Bryan was out patrolling the steets at night, looking for trouble. He leapt and ran across rooftops as he explored the city. Eventually he found what he was looking for.
He heard a panicked voice begging for mercy and went to investigate. What he found was a young man cowering against a wall with two large street thugs standing calmly infront of him. He perched on the edge of a two-story building, looking down into the alley, and remained still so he would fade from sight as he watched to see what was happening.
The man spoke with a shaking voice: "I...I...I wasn't able to get the money, I tried, I swear to god!"
"Swear to my fists, punk"
It was now or never. This would be his first time, luckily he found what should be an easy mark. With all he could do now, surely he could handle two low-lifes, right?
He leapt off the top of the building, landing feet-first behind the thugs. Though he justy fell from a two-story building, he wasn't injured in the slightest. That alone made him feel indestructible, but he didn't have a moment to celebrate. He swung at the thug on his right, hitting him square on the back of the head and before he could even yelp, he whacked him with his left hand, and sent the thug flying over 10 feet away to the right.
He then switched his attention to the other thug. He could move so fast, that he was able to down one thug before his friend or even the victim was able to realize something was happening. He swung his leg towards the other thug's head, but hit his shoulder instead. Inhuman speed didn't grant him accuracy, apparently. This was however enough to swing the thug around and let him punch the thug square in the face. His fist whizzed past his head, only scrapping his cheek.
Gods, he was starting to wish he practiced hitting people before he went out. Still, the man had only just realized that something was happening, so he still had a moment more to throw a couple more punches. This time, he managed to hit the thug square in his face, and with his right-hand too. sending him flying 15 feet away, out of the alley and onto the sidewalk.
This all happened in under a second in a half, though it felt like an eternity to Bryan. When he got his blood flowing now, everything seriously looked like it was moving in slow motion.
The man whom he had just saved from a vicious beating looked at Bryan in shock, then glanced back and forth to the two thugs who now lay 30 feet apart and unconcious the ground. He then looked back at Bryan, though it took him a moment to think of something to say.
"Th-thank you..."
"Why did these thugs want money from you?"
"I...I can't say." Bryan was puzzled.
"What, are you involved in crime yourself?" Bryan thought that he might need to beat up this guy too, "Are you a drug dealer?"
"No, no! I... I do drugs. They' suppliers. I ran out of money, so I bought some from them and told them I would pay back later, extra. I...I couldn't get the money. I lost my job, and now...I...I appreciate what you did, but I still owe them money, and their gang will still come after me."
Bryan listened to the poor man's story, and crossed his arms. He didn't know what to say. There was nothing more he could really do for the man, unless he somehow murdered the entire gang or something like that, which wasn't really an option. The man could seek police help, but if they found out they would likely arrest him for drug usage, or perhaps hand him over to the gang, depending on what kind of cops they were.
Bryan stood there in silence, trying to think of a solution, but he could not. "I'm sorry, but like you say there's really nothing I can do for you. Guess you should never have gotten involved in drugs in the first place..." The man's face shifted from panic, to anger, as if to say: How dare you!
"Look, I can't think of any way for you to get out of this. I would do something if I could. But... I can't. Besides, you did something reckless and now you're paying the price for it. I'm...sorry." Bryan lowered his head and the two stood there in silence for a moment. "Look, I'll see what I can do, if anything. But for now, you're probably not safe. I would try to get out of the city if I were you; there's a gang after your head and the cops probably won't help someone who's addicted to narcotics, assuming they're not in league with this gang anyway."
Bryan wasn't expecting this. He was expecting to save the man, he tell him his new superhero name, then go off into the night, happily-ever-after. Instead, he saved a man that maybe he shouldn't have saved, and who was in a situation that Bryan couldn't really help him with.
The two stared at each other a moment more, the man obviously still * off over Bryan telling him what he shouldn't have done. After a few moments of staring at each other, Bryan just turned around, leapt up onto the wall and climbed back to the top of the building from which he had just jumped a minute earlier. Instead of climbing back up onto the ledge where he had been perched, he decided to leap over the alley to the next building and climb ontop of that.
He stopped and stood ontop of that building with his arms crossed. That was definitely a good fight, he won before the thugs could even lay a finger on him. But at the same time, he hadn't really accomplished anything by doing so. After a few minutes, he decided that he could at least call the cops on those thugs he just beat up. He turned around and looked back down into the alley. Both the thugs were still there, laying on the ground, but the man he had just saved was long gone. After thinking for a moment, he leapt down back into the alley, and changed back into his civilian clothes. He didn't know how he did it, he didn't have to say a magic word or do any special motions, he could just will it and his costume would appear or disappear, in green light. Underneathe he was just wearing jeans, sneakers, and a green t-shirt. He walked out of the alley, taking note of the address, and found the nearest payphone to call 911.
"911, what's your emegency?"
"I just saw a superhero, dressed in all green and black beat up a few thugs in an alley on Elmer street. They're still laying on the ground over here."
"We'll send someone over, can I get your name-" At that, Bryan hanged up. He didn't want to reveal who he was. He started to walk away, then realized that they might dust the phone for prints. How stupid of him! He should've just called him with his costume on. At least that way his hands would've been covered in gloves. He went back and tried to wipe off the phone with his shirt. Hopefully, they wouldn't try to track him. He then ducked into another alley, changed back, and climbed ontop of a roof. He decided to stay there and watch what the emergency personnel did. Besides, he could turn invisible afterall. Not like they would notice him.
It only took a few minutes for ambulances and cop cars to pull up. Bryan remained still, because he was only invisible when he was standing perfectly still. First, the cops outlined the thug's unconcious bodies in chalk, while paramedics made sure they were still breathing. He then watched them load the two thugs into the ambulance, after tying them down onto stretchers. The ambulances then left, but the cops stayed behind, apparently investigating the area. Hopefully, they wouldn't think to dust the nearby phone for prints. It was around the corner a good distance away though, so it may not occur to them. The cops scanned the area around where the fight occured for a few minutes, then they reported in on their communicators before getting back into their cars and driving off.
That was close. He really should be more careful. Next time, never take the suit off. What was he thinking anyway? Did he really think he would be less likely to be caught without the suit on? At least he would've had gloves on when handling the phone, and besides, no one would've knew who he was anyway with the mask and all.
He thought about going out again and looking for more trouble, but decided that maybe he should head back home before his father realized he was gone. He was still at work when he left, but of course he wouldn't be at work forever. No doubt he would immedietly head to his room to look for him, to chew him out for random things just to blow off steam, just like he did every day when he came home.
Bryan looked around a moment to get his berrings, then began to head back home.


For his first fight, I decided to put him up against 2 thugs, just to make sure I didn't overwhelm him. And besides, I was hoping he would be able to finish them off before they even got their first panel, which he obviously succeeded in doing.

As for the mechanics of what happened. I only rolled for the combat scene. First, him jumping off the building. He failed his atheletics/acrobatics check (because he's unskilled), but he did soak the fall so I ignored it. I then decided to count that as a movement and do my attack. It wasn't that hard to hit the thugs (I used the stats for gangsters for them, they did have guns on them, but they didn't get the chance to use them). This gave them a defense of 7, and with my agility at x2 to hit with swift strike, it meant that I had to roll a 3 or less to miss! Obviously, I hit every blow. Took out the first thug in two hits, but I botched the damage rolls for the next thug (I believe he rolled 7, then 3 damage, after soak of course), but I had one panel left, so I rolled and got a whopping 20 something damage! Note that I may have calculated the distance he flew based off his soak rather than his actual knock-back value, oops. Oh well. Doesn't matter.

After that, I just made up the conversation with the victim as I went along. And admittedly, it didn't turn out the way I wanted. Bryan described how he expected it to go, and honestly that's what I expected to happen too. Oh well, at least I have a nice plot hook now for future stories. Next time though, I think I'll throw him up against 4 thugs, just to make the fight a bit more dramatic, maybe this time he'll actually get hit.

Playing him, I kinda feel like he's a bit op. With swift strike AND super-speed 5, it means that he gets a whopping 6 attacks (at x2 multiplier) per page!!!! Looking at that, its kinda no surprise he was able to take out 2 thugs before their panel even came up.

Anyway, it was fun, despite playing by myself, I will definitely continue this character. Perhaps I'll upload the next stories I do, perhaps I won't. It all depends on how it turns out. Sadly, I don't have a villain for him to fight yet, though I have come up with an idea for a partner for him.
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Post by Solarblast »

I liked the conversation he had with the addict. Some problems can't be solved with just your fist. Too bad you don't live around here, I could run something for you. Maybe something online, I know what it's like to be the only player in a game you like.
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Post by CaptainChris »

Very interesting
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Post by xBlackWolfx »

Solarblast wrote:I liked the conversation he had with the addict. Some problems can't be solved with just your fist. Too bad you don't live around here, I could run something for you. Maybe something online, I know what it's like to be the only player in a game you like.
I may be willing to take you up on that offer. I don't own a webcam, though I do own a crappy headset with a microphone, I actually bought it for my Spanish class last year. I think it may have been starting to go out though.

Anyway, just played another game. And again, I'm uploading this without bothering to proofread it first (against my better judgement). And this part contains some strong language, which the forum may censor anyway. I did put an 'adults only' warning on this thing anyway. I was thinking of making it pg-13, but I'm not so sure the drug reference was okay for someone in their mid-teens, so I just said 'adults only'.

Anyway, like I said, I upped the ante this time just to get a bit more of a fight. These thugs are an outright joke to him, even though he's only a 20 point character.

Anyway, on to the chapter 2: the second night.


The Black Chameleon
The Second Night
The next night, Bryan was on patrol again. Well, not patrolling so much, he was just wandering around, running along rooftops and jumping over alleys, trying to find more thugs to beat up. He didn't really have a set patrol route yet. He didn't really know where he should be looking, but this night he decided to stay close to the area where those two gangsters were the night before; perhaps it was their territory.
After an hour or two, he did find some biggish guy in a leather jacket walking in the back alleys behind some buildings. Bryan decided to follow him. He was probably over 10 feet above him on a rooftop, so he didn't really need to be stealthy much. He did however have to jump over another alley. The guy stopped and looked around when he heard his feet land, but Bryan wasn't anywhere where this guy could possibly see him. Bryan stopped since he didn't hear the guy's footsteps anymore, he assumed that the guy heard him land, it was a pretty loud thud. After several seconds, the guy shrugged his shoulders and continued walking. He eventually lead Bryan to a group of three other individuals in an alley, no doubt more gang members. This became pretty obvious once they greeted eachother and started conversing.
"Hey, any news about George and Rodney?"
"Couldn't see them. The cops figured out they were part of our gang, I figured I couldn't go visit without incriminating myself." The others didn't make any comment.
"What happened to that * who didn't pay?"
"Him? Don't know. He wasn't at his home. We can't figure out where he went." He shrugged, "He may have skipped town after that ninja guy saved him."
"*..." said one of the other thugs.
"Any idea what happened last night?", another inquired.
"They got pummeled by some ninja guy, George didn't recognize him so he must be new. They don't know where he came from. They guessed that he could teleport or something, or maybe he was just really fast. Rodney didn't see anything, all he remembers is trying to shake down that * who wouldn't pay when he suddenly got pummeled from behind, the next thing he remembers was waking up in the hospital with a cop next to him. They don't know who he attacked first, he's apparently really fast because neither of them realized what was going on until they were both out. The report claims the cops found their bodies like 30 feet apart too, he must have hit them like a truck to do that. They were apparently standing next to eachother when he jumped them!"
"And George?"
"He somehow got turned around during the fight, he doesn't know how. Well, it wasn't much of a fight, neither of them even got to pull their guns out, or even throw a punch. He only saw the guy for a second, he's not even 100% certain this guy is a dude even it all happaned so fast. All he could say for certain is that the dude was wearing a black mask with green eyes. He was mostly black with some green. And he was wearing super pajamas, of course." The others remained silent as the guy recounted what was in the papers. "The guy hit them as hard as Brutus could."
"You mean the body builder dude?"
"Yeah, but this guy wasn't that big. George claimed he was smaller than him!"
It was nice to know that guy he saved had managed to escape. And apparently he was already making a name for himself. Too bad he wasn't able to reveal his codename yet. If he didn't do it soon, the papers would probably give him some really lame name. Apparently a lot of supers just let the papers name them, but he didn't really like that idea. A lot of the names other supers got tended to be kinda...bland.
"So, you think this is some new guy? And not that chick that's been beating the crap out of us over the past few weeks?"
"Yeah. That other ninja is obviously a chick, she can't take people out as fast as this guy did. And her pajamas are mostly grey, this guy was green and black. She also has a weird name: Vagabond."
"Vagabond? What kind of cape name is that?"
"Don't know, but who's gonna talk smack to a girl like that? I mean, even Brutus doesn't wanna tangle with her!"
Another 'ninja' girl? Interesting. Perhaps he should try to get in touch with her. They did seem to share a hobby: beating the living crap out of thugs. Speaking of which, he should probably get to doing that. Of course, these thugs weren't technically in the middle of doing anything wrong, they were just standing there talking about what happened to the two fools he trashed the night before. Then again, they were obviously doing something illegal if they didn't want anything to do with the cops. And the one guy did mention that they were part of the same gang the other thugs were anyway. And besides, he wanted more practice.
Breaking his invisibility, he leapt down from the rooftop and landed behind two of the thugs, including the one that lead him here. He then immedietly swung at the latter, hitting square on the right side of his head, causing him to bend over side ways. He then tried, to uppercut him with his left hand, but his fist just flew right past the thug and up into the air. Gods! He needed to practice this.
He then brought his elbow down on the guy's head, knocking him to the ground where he went limp. Now it was the other thug's turn. He round-house kicked him in the head with his left legging, causing him to stumble to the right. He slammed his right fist down on the guy's head, slamming down ontop of the body of the first thug.
He took these guy out pretty fast, but there were still two more, than they standing 10 feet away. They both lurched back in shock upon seeing some guy just fall out of the sky and juggle two of their friends into dreamland. One threw up his hands and yelled "Holy *!"
They both immedietly pulled out their sub-machine guns and fired at Bryan. Even though they pulled their guns out as fast as they could, the world was still moving in slow motion to Bryan. For him it looked like it took them several seconds to lift their guns up, so he was easily able to dodge to the left right before they pulled the triggers. He could actually see the bullets fly past him, even though they were moving a lot faster than he could.
Obviously, he wasn't too interested in dodging anymore bullets, so he immedietly charged the thug on the left and swung at him, but he only glazed the side of his head. Luckily, he was able to follow up immedietly with his left fist and punched the guy right in the stomach. He guy made a soft 'ohhh' sound before collapsing to the ground. Bryan then swung his leg towards the remaining thug, hitting him on the side of the head. This caused him to stumble forward a few feet. Bryan tried to kick him with his other foot, but completely missed.
He didn't have much more time before the thug recovered and got in another shot. He brought his fist down right into the middle of the guy's back, slamming him to the ground and knocking him out cold.
Bryan stood there amongst the now unconconcious thugs, breathing heavily in and out. After he calmed down, and surveying what he had done, he felt a bit of a rush over what he had just pulled off. He smiled and let out a soft laugh as he clenched his fists. That was definitely exhilarating. He stood there for a few more moments, admiring what he had accomplished before he went off to find another payphone.
He found one and walked up to it, only to realize that he couldn't get to his pockets with his costume on. He now remembered why he decided to change out the last time before he called the cops. But he couldn't change here out in the middle of the street, someone might see him! He looked at the phone and wandered, maybe he could call 911 without actually paying? He picked up the phone and dialled, and sure enough, it rang and he heard the woman on the other end asking what was the 'emergency'.
He was about to speak, when he realized that it might be a good idea to disguise his voice. He talked deeper than usual into the phone: "Four thugs, unconcious, in a back alley between Albert's street and Golden Lane. He then hung up the phone.
He climbed back up the building he had started from, and stood perched on the edge of the building like a gargoyle until the cops arrived. A cop, upon seeing his handiwork, said "Another one? Wow." He looked around for a moment, "This fits the MO of the guy from the previous night, except someone called in claiming they heard shots fired. But there's no blood in sight, so I guess they missed."
Again, the cops outlined the bodies in chalk before tying them all to stretchers and transporting them to the hospital.
Another good night, and this time he took out more than the last time. Still needed to work on his aim though. This time he actually missed a few times. Anyway, he should probably start heading back home, his father would probably be home soon.
He then began his journey back to the apartment where he and his father lived.


This time, I had him start about 15 feet above the ground. He soaked the fall again. I was kind of thinking I should've rolled a stealth check, but I knew he would almost certainly fail it and besides, I kinda had that dialogue scene already planned out. If he did get caught, he may have ended up only fighting that one thug rather than all 4. And yes, he did actually miss a few times. He did however roll doubles on one thug, getting 16 on the dice (seriously).

I was expecting more. I mean he had two opportunities to get injured: once from jumping off the building, the other from getting shot at. but he easily soaked the fall and then he made the defense roll, so nothing happened. I used the gang rules for the part where they both fired at him. As for what would've happened if they did hit him? I'm not sure. I mean, if you get shot I imagine that would be a pretty bad injury, and realistically would put you out of the fight. If he had taken damage from the fall, I was planning on saying that he managed to dodge the bullets, but doing so exacerbated his leg injuries. But none of that happened, oh well. Still not sure what to say if he actually does get shot. It should happen sooner or later.

Next time, I'll have him fighting a custom minion, hopefully that thing will actually give him more of challenge.
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Post by CaptainChris »

I am a bit confused, your characters Agility is 3 the thugs defense is 7. As the lowest you can roll is 3 x 3 = 9 you can never miss them.
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Post by xBlackWolfx »

With swift strike, my attack is technically at x2. So yes, I can miss with 3 agility. Note the fact that he's attacking them 5 to 6 times each panel. That's only possible with swift strike and super speed.

And one thing I forgot to mention, I was thinking of making some running changes to my character. Yeah, I know you're not supposed to do that, but honestly it wouldn't really impact him anyway.

One is his appearance. I decided that instead of the flat texture like you normally see, that his costume actually has an embossed scale pattern all over it. He is obviously supposed to have a reptile theme.

The second is putting a limitation on his clinging and invisibility that he can only use those two powers while in costume. Yes, I know this would put his point value at 19 if I was to do this. I wasn't really thinking about it at the time, I only started thinking about when I thought about actually detailing his everyday life outside of costume. I was even thinking about writing up something explaining his origin.

I was going to use the experience points rule for him anyway. Right now he has 6 xp (one for each thug he's KO'ed), but I think I'll double the xp cost for everything since I don't like this guy actually learning something after just 2 fights.

And I decided to write a little expose on how this character was designed. Basically, I was going for a 'ninja' kind of character that relied on skill rather than powers. Well, not quite. He's essentially a guy who doesn't know how to do anything, but gained powers that lets him mimic the things that the likes of a 'master crime fighter' can pull off. He's kind of a parody of such characters in a way. As for this 'vagabond' character I mentioned, well she's just the real deal. She does have skill, and is more in line with the 'master crime fighter' archetype. I haven't actually mapped her out or played her yet, but doing the math it appears that she would actually beat him in almost every check, with the only exception being soak. She also doesn't have superspeed so she shouldn't be able to domino thugs like he can. Honestly, I kinda suspect that I made a broken character. I really have a feeling that a 20/19 point character should NOT be able to handle 4 thugs like that. Am I even allowed to use swiftstrike with superspeed? Originally he had fleet of foot, but then I read that he couldn't use that at the same time as another movement power, meaning that he could only make use of it when he wasn't using his superspeed, so I scrapped it and gave him superspeed 5 (he originally only had superspeed 3, and was one point shy of being worth 20 points).
Last edited by xBlackWolfx on Tue Jan 05, 2016 1:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by CaptainChris »

xBlackWolfx wrote:With swift strike, my attack is technically at x2. So yes, I can miss with 3 agility. Note the fact that he's attacking them 5 to 6 times each panel. That's only possible with swift strike and super speed.
I should have looked that up, still you seem to throw 3 a lot.

Very interesting story line
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Post by xBlackWolfx »

CaptainChris wrote:
xBlackWolfx wrote:With swift strike, my attack is technically at x2. So yes, I can miss with 3 agility. Note the fact that he's attacking them 5 to 6 times each panel. That's only possible with swift strike and super speed.
I should have looked that up, still you seem to throw 3 a lot.

Very interesting story line
Well technically he only missed twice. Most of those 'near misses' I described was him botching the damage roll.
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Post by xBlackWolfx »

Okay, here's the next part, chapter 3. It ended up being a bit longer than I expected, so I actually divided it in half, thus the 'to be continued' part at the end. I'll explain at the end just to avoid giving any spoilers.


The Black Chameleon
The Third Night
Another night, more wandering in search of trouble. This time when he found it however, he saw something he certainly was NOT expecting. He heard some talking and headed towards it, but looking down in the alley he saw, along with 3 thugs, some large guy in a super costume that was all light brown.
"I still think that thing's creepy as *," said one of the thugs to the others, "why the * were we told to stand out here anyway?"
"Isn't it obvious?" One said in a low tone. "We're bait."
"Yeah, trying to draw that new guy out, hopefully our new friend here can handle him."
"Sooo...We're standing out in the middle of nowhere, hoping that he'll jump out...warp space or whatever and beat the crud out of us?"
"Actually, according to the others he dropped down from above. Guess he gets around across the rooftops." This prompted the one nervous thug to start looking around above him. Bryan's heart jumped when he looked his way, but he acted like he didn't see Bryan. Then he remembered that he was invisible when he was standing still. He really didn't get to use that power much, probably because he would lose it anytime he made a quick movement.
After he finished scanning the rooftops, the nervous thug groaned anxiously before exclaiming, "This sucks!"
Bryan looked again at the supervillain with them. Why did they refer to him as a 'thing'? He didn't act like he was insulted by this, and really he seemed to be completely disregarding them.
Oh well. Bryan shifted his thoughts to attacking these gang members.
He had managed to take out four thugs with no challenge last night, what threat could this guy really pose to him? However, he remained perched on the edge of the building, pondering whether he should prioritize the super, or the thugs standing around him. He decided that the super might be super durable and take a while to beat down, so it was probably wisest if he took out the easy guys first, just so they couldn't be attacking him while he was trying to take out their supervillain friend.
He leapt down off his perch from 20 feet up, again landing on his feet like it was nothing to fall from a two-story building. He then, like before, tossed around two of the thugs like he was a circus performer juggling batons. This was actually starting to get kinda boring and routine.
"Holy *!!!" yelled the remaining thug, who then turned tail and ran away screaming, "He's here! He's here! He's here!" Heh, an armed thug running away crying for help. Then again, considering what he did to his friends, was it really hard to blame him?
He then turned his attention to the supervillain, but Bryan was taken aback upon getting a closer look at this...guy. The only features on his face were two impossibly deep black holes where his eyes should be, inside of which he could see a dim red glow like firelight growing in intensity. He also had a wierd, high complicated scribble carved into his forehead. His feet also didn't have shows, he could see his huge toes but he had no toenails, and despite how bright his costume was he could see no seams, anywhere.
Bryan ignored his puzzlement, and proceeded to try and attack the thing. He threw his first punch, but his fist just embedded itself in the surface of this supervillain, like he was made of something soft. When he pulled his fist back, he saw he had left a shallow fist-shaped impression on the surface of this... thing, like it was made out of clay!
Okay, this thing is definitely not human. He thought before continuing his barrage. His next punch did nothing but leave another shallow impression, and so did the third, and the fourth, and the fifth, and by the sixth he was actually starting to feel exhausted, but he didn't seem to have actually caused this thing any serious harm!
The thing made a crescendoing groan and tried slam its hands together, right on Bryan's head! He managed to duck just in time, and the thing's hands made a loud bang when they came together where his head once was.
"This thing must have superstrength too, crap," Bryan thought, "I could get KO'ed if this thing even hits me one time!"
Bryan continued his assault, but he was too exhausted now to hit the thing more than once a second. He tried to punch this thing in the gut, but again this did nothing, even when he followed up with his left hand. The thing clenched its hands together and tried to slam them down ontop of Bryan's head. He managed to side-step this though.
At this point, Bryan must have gotten his second win and continued pounding this thing at unbelievable speed. This time, his first punch went deeper, into the thing's shoulder. It groaned/roared as if in pain. "Guess I finally found a weak point," he thought before continuing his relentless barrage, now newly encouraged. He landed his next punch in the right side of the thing's chest, he went in so deep his fist actually disappeared inside this monster's chest! Luckily, he was able to yank his fist back out as the thing roared, now it sounded really * off. Sadly his next 3 blows failed to do any significant damage, but then he managed to embed his fist in the opposite shoulder, again going in deep.
The thing roared at him again and tried to grab him, but again he dodged it. After this, he noticed that moving seemed to worsen the damage he had already dealt. Cracks were now eminating from the holes he had made, it looked almost as if its arms were about to fall off!
He assaulted the thing again, but again most of his attacks failed to damage this thing anymore, except for the last blow which landed close to the hole he had made in its chest.
It swung at him again, and missed. Bryan was now out of breath again and only managed to hit the thing twice before its next attack, again doing nothing. This time, he barely managed to dodge the thing's attack, his fist almost grazing the top of his head!
This time, Bryan decided to aim for the thing's head. Punching it in the face did nothing, but when he landed his fist deep into its forehead, the thing suddenly stopped moving. Bryan paused, and stared at this thing which had just been doing everything it could to kill him, but now was completely frozen like a statue! He pulled his fist out and the thing toppled over onto its back, still keeping the exact same posture it had when it had stopped moving.
"Ok..." Bryan wasn't sure what just happened. What, did this thing actually have a brain in it? He assumed he was going to have to completely tear this thing apart in order to stop it. And why would it just freeze solid when killed? Looking into the holes he had made, it didn't look like it actually had internal organs or anything, it was just solid clay all the way through, even in its head!
Unbeknownst to Bryan, since he was kind of distracted during the fight, the thug didn't run very far. He watched the fight unfold, and grew worried as he saw Bryan dig deep holes into the surface of the clay monster. He pulled out an off-white glass orb from his pocket. It was only about 3 inches in diameter, easily * in his palm. He actually spoke into this strange object: "The guy's too fast! The clay man can't touch him, and I think he's actually damaging the thing! He may actually kill it!"
After a moment, the orb began to glow and a low-pitched and ominous voice came the orb: "So, he's actually able to damage my golem? Impressive, and annoying. I'll send another one over, perhaps this one will be fast enough to kill him. I'll be really mad if he destroys this one, it takes much longer to make."
After staring down at the clay monster he had just slain for a few moments, he then looked up and noticed that the thug he thought had fled to safety was actually still standing there. Heh, how foolish, he thought. But then he noticed something moving on a rooftop far above and behind the thug. He could only make out its silhouette from this far away, but he thought it looked like a gorilla.
It dived off the building, and towards Bryan far below.
To be continued...

Okay, I designed a new minion for him to fight, hoping it would be a challenge. However, looking at it I decided that though Bryan may have a much harder time defeating this one, it would be very difficult for it to land a hit. So I made a plan B. I made a 17-point minion that I thought should definitely give Bryan a challenge. I was expecting Bryan to easily defeat the first minion, at which point I was going to have him duel the second one, but the first one took so long that I decided to save the next fight for the next chapter. When I made that clay golem, I calibrated his soak to be as high as it could be without Bryan having to roll an explosion to actually damage the thing. However, it wasn't until I started the fight that it occurred to me that he would have to roll 11+ on the damage dice just to get any damage through that massive soak. At one point near the end, Bryan actually rolled a 15 on his defense, so it really was a close call. Most of that damage he dealt btw was actually from explosions. At one point he actually rolled a 3 like 4 or 5 times in a row, seriously. That alone did like 20 damage to the golem, after soak.

Anyway, here's the stats for the clay golem I made if anyone cares to know what he was actually up against:
Golem, Clay, 10 points
The simplest and most primative of golems, a clay golem has a body molded entirely out of clay. They are strong, but slow on their feet because of their density. They're not the most powerful of golems, but they're typically the first golem a golem-crafter makes, and can be mass-produced relatively quickly because of their simplicity. However, they have a critical weakness in that they require a rune to be placed on them to bring them to life. If this rune is destroyed, the golem will become inanimate again (requires a called shot). Luckily though, mostly only those versed in magic are aware of this critical flaw.
B3 A2 M0
50 hits/20 soak
Attack 14/defense 7
Density 1
Advantage: Unliving (occultism/golem-crafting to heal)
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Post by xBlackWolfx »

Oh yeah, and I forgot. I was going to reveal a bit about the city this takes place in. The place is called Black Iron, because it used to be a mining colony and a huge producer of steel. But that was long ago, the mine dried up and the city has since fallen into poverty. Its actually based off of Gotham btw. Homelessness is rampant, few people are really doing well at all anymore, and besides gangs there's also a lot of cult activity. There's also a lot of magic-users in the city, and many cults do have something to do with the supernatural. In this story, you get to see some of those elements.

One big difference with my superhero setting is that magic is much more prevalent than it is in main stream comics. I talked about this before in another thread, maybe you can still dig it up. It probably hasn't been buried too deep anyway, this site doesn't get too many posts it seems.
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Post by CaptainChris »

Great story

I like the Golom as well
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Post by xBlackWolfx »

Anyway, here's the next chapter. This time, Bryan's going to be facing down that 18-point minion I talked about. Let's see how he does. I think he might finally meet his match.


The Black Chameleon
Chapter 4
The simian monster came crashing down about 15 feet infront of Bryan. Though it was dark and Bryan was a good distance away, he could now see that this thing was no gorilla. It only had the posture of one, with long, thick arms up front and short legs in the back. Its head was also pointed, but that was the only similarities it had to a gorilla. Its front 'legs' looked like they were covered in bark, and had 3 thick roots for fingers. Its 'head' was covered in dark green, hanging moss, the only feature being a single black hole hidden in the moss that Bryan guessed was an eye like the one the clay monster had. It also appeared to have vines with huge thorns wrapped around its legs and body.
Bryan actually thought about retreating for a moment, but thought against it. He shouldn't run from a fight, I mean there was a monster on the loose, what kind of superhero would he be to just let the thing continue to live? And besides, with how agile it looked he may not be able to outrun it anyway.
Bryan charged at the monster and attacked. He threw his fist at the monster, and it actually managed to dodge out of the way. Bryan was stunned, this thing was seriously fast enough to actually dodge him?! He unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks at the monster, but each time the thing managed to either dodge or block his blows. This was unbelievable!
Suddenly, vines erupted out of its face from beneathe its eye where one would assume a mouth would be. They wrapped around Bryan's arms and legs and torso and held tight. The monster then reached out and tried to grab Bryan with one of its giant arms, but being restrained Bryan was able to get both his feet up in the air, allowing him to use both his legs to push against the monster's arm back.
Bryan flailed around madly trying to get the vines off of him, but he coulnd't. There was too many of them and they were too strong. Worse yet, he was running out of breathe, indicating that he was going to slow down again.
Even in slow motion that monster looked increadibly fast, and it looked even faster now that his superspeed was beginning to wane. The thing tried to grab him with both arms, intending to crush him, but Bryan again was able to get enough leverage to force one of its arms back, preventing it from squeezing him between its mammoth 'hands'.
All while this was going on, the thug was cheering, yelling "Yeah! Kill him! Kill him!"
Seeing that there was no way he could break free, his only alternative was to try and kill the monster while it still had him entangled. He tried to kick the monster, but it was able to hold his leg back so that he couldn't reach him. He then tried to punch the monster, but once he threw his arm back, the vines kept him from throwing it forward to hit the monster.
Getting frustrated, the monster tried to swing its arm at Bryan as fast as it could, but Bryan was able to get one leg onto the limb and lift himself over it as the monster was swinging.
Panicking, Bryan tried to unleash another barrage of blows at the monster. Now up in the air, he managed to land a good clean kick right in the monster's 'face'. It wasn't like the clay monster, it actually felt hard, like he was kicking a tree trunk. Although Bryan managed to knock its head to the side, it didn't feel like he actually inflicted any damage. He tried to kick with the other foot, but the monster wouldn't let him, so instead he punched it in the face again. This time, its head didn't even move.
Flailing around some more, Bryan was unable to land another hit before the monster took another swing at him, this time hitting him hard in the side. Bryan screamed from the pain.
There was no way he could take much more of this. But try as he might, he was only able to land 1 hit, this time punching it in the shoulder, again doing no harm. Everytime he tried to swing, the thing either parried with one of its arms, held his limb back with one of the vines, or was able to quickly rotate him up or down so his swing didn't connect. The fact that Bryan was able to throw so many punchs and kicks so quickly was the only reason he was able to get in a good hit at all.
It again tried to crush him between its hands, but Bryan was able to get his arms in position to push both of its hands away, keeping them from clamping down on him.
Bryan now realized that trying to it hit this thing as fast as he could wasn't going to work. The first time, when he beat up those 2 thugs, he felt like a clumsy idiot how he was fighting, but it was so freaking fast that it didn't really matter. Now, he was up against something almost as fast as him. He needed to be more methodical, actually think his moves through and aim more carefully.
He tried to throw on might kick at the monster, and although his leg did go forward the monster was able to stop it just 6 inches from its head.
It tried to crush him again, but again Bryan was able to use one of his legs to push on its right arm and lift himself into the air.
Bryan swung his leg down and was able to quickly kick the monster in the chin, this time he heard a loud crack and the monster's head moved upwards further than it should have been able to. His tactic was paying off; he had finally managed to damage the thing.
He tried to swing at him with its left arm, but Bryan took the opportunity to try and get in another hit, forcing it to abandon its attack just to deflect his blow. It looks like this thing is wary of me now, Bryan thought. Distracted briefly by the idea that the monster was now afraid of him, it was able to swing its right arm and strick him again on the side. Bryan immedietely forgot about his brief success and howled in pain from getting smacked in the same spot twice by this superstrong monstrocity.
Suddenly, someone fell out of the sky and landed right on the plant monster's back. The monster lurched down a bit, but even with both its giant arms off the ground this wasn't enough to knock it down.
This person who just landed on it was a girl, about the same height as Bryan. She wore an all-grey superhero costume and full mask with white eyes. Her costume had two long black rectangles on the sides of her upper arms and thighs and she had a thick black line going around her waist like a belt.
"Vagabond..." Bryan said, astonished.
The smile on the thug's face vanished upon seeing the girl enter the fray. Oh great, just one of them was bad enough, he thought, now they were both here!
Despite just having a person land on its back after a 20 foot fall, the monster was unphased and continuing assaulting Bryan, hitting him in the right shoulder. It hurt, but the strike felt weaker this time. She must've put if off balance when she landed on its back.
"Stop that!", Vagabond yelled at the monster before trying to punch it in the head. However, it was able to shift and knock her off balance, preventing her from making contact unless she was willing to fall over and off its back. But lurching forward like this allowed Bryan to kick it in the face again, but again it seemed to do no harm.
The monster tried to crush him again, and though Bryan managed to get his arms in position to push its hands apart, he strained to do this. It must be getting mad.
"Fight me!" She slammed her fist into its shoulder, but again this thing seemed to be almost impervious.
"Yeah!" The thug yelled, having regained hope, "Kick their asses!"
The monster continued to ignore the girl on its back and continued trying to crush Bryan. Bryan yelled as his arms bent from the strain. He almost couldn't take it anymore.
Vagabond was unable to keep her footing, as badly as she wanted to try and draw this thing's attention, and Bryan was too busy trying to keep the monster's arms from crushing him to think about attacking.
The monster managed to finally overpower Bryan and clasp its hands around his torso. Bryan felt like he was going to black out.
She tried to take another swing, but was unable to hit with the monster moving around and keeping her unsteady.
Bryan tried one last time to escape this thing's grasp, but he couldn't force himself free. Even without the vines this thing was just too strong. The monster squeezed harder and Bryan's world started to go black! His head fell back as he went limp in the monster's hands.
"No!" She hit the monster in the eye as hard as she could, but again it just ignored her.
"Yes, yes yes!" The thug yelled with obvious excitement.
The monster finally let go of Bryan, and let him fall to the ground underneathe it. Now, it finally focused its attention on the girl standing on its back and futally trying to kill it. Its vine-tentacles now started to reach towards her now, but she jumped off the monster's back and behind it, putting herself just out of reach. She kicked it in the rear, and though this made it lurch forward slightly it still didn't cause any harm. * it, she thought, it was looking like this thing just wasn't going to go down.
The thing leapt up and spun in the air to face her, but unbeknownst to both of them, Bryan wasn't out just quite yet. He was drifting in and out of conciousness, trying to stay awake. He couldn't lose, he just couldn't! He managed to win the fight and snapped out of it. He pushed himself up and looked at the monster that was now facing down Vagabond. He got to his feet as quickly as he could as the monster took a swipe at Vagabond. Seeing Bryan suddenly get to his feet distracted Vagabond just long enough to allow the monster to whack her with its mighty arm.
"Oof!" She tried to swing at it, but it managed to dodge her blow too. "We need to get out of here, we can't defeat this thing!"
"No! Keep trying to kill it!" He slammed its fist into the thing's lower back, but it didn't even budge. And now the monster knew that he was up again.
"You idiot!" It swung again, but this time Vagabond was able to dodge effortlessly. "This thing's dodging most of what we throw at it, and even when we do land a hit, it doesn't do anything!" Tried to punch it in the face, but it blocked her fist with its giant hand. "We need to get out of here now!"
"No!" Bryan clenched his fists together and brought them both down on the monter's back, this only made it lower slightly for a moment.
"Gods! Seeing how you fight, I should've known you were an idiot!" she said as she effortlessly dodged another blow. She threw another punch, hitting it in the head, but again, nothing.
Bryan punched it in the back, but of course, still nothing.
Getting tired of trying to hit a girl that dodged its every blow, the monster spun around and tried to swat the hero that it thought was out of the fight. But seeing this coming, Bryan was able to jump backwards just out of reach. They both continued trying to pound on the monster, to no avail.
Then it lashed out with its vine-tentacles again, entangling Bryan once again, then slammed him against a wall. Bryan suddenly started feeling faint again.
Vagabond tried to jump onto its back and wrestle it, but it just reared up and threw her off. Bryan tried to kick it again, but he missed by a mile as he was beginning to fade again. Then, the monster slammed him against the ground, putting his lights out for good this time.
"* it." Vagabond, unlike Bryan, knew when to give up, and so she lept onto a fire escape and began climbing up the outside of it! She was able to get back up to the top of the building before the monster turned around and noticed she was gone.
"Ah yeah!", the thug yelled, "Now kill him! Kill that *! Rip his * head off!"
The monster slowly turned around, seeing as the fight was over, and picked up Bryan's unconcious body with its vine-tentacles. But seemingly unaware of the thug's orders, it just turned back around and began to walk towards the thug, carrying Bryan in its tendrils.
"Uh, what are you doing? Are you even listening?"
"That thing won't obey you", the voice from the orb said, which the thug had placed back in his jacket. "You can only control it with magical incantations that you obviously don't know. Before I sent it off, I also commanded it to bring the body back here if it won. The plant monster, just as the voice said, walked right past the thug like he wasn't even there, heading back towards home base. "John wanted him alive, and now so do I."
Then suddenly, another voice came out of the orb, it was John's, the leader of the gang, "Return here. You're done out there."
"What about the other two? He took them out before the clay man even started moving!"
"Leave them, they can find their own way back when they come to."
"If you say so, boss." And with that, the thug started following the plant monster back home.


Gah, I chose the best mental malfunction for Bryan, didn't? I guess he had it coming, considering how effortless all his fights have been so far.

And once again, I underestimated just how much of a challenge this thing would be. I was thinking of modifying it, lowering its agility to 2, but then I thought that might make it too easy. I thought the two were on par with eachother, which in hindsight was stupid. The thing has just as much a chance of hitting him as he does it (they have the same agility), but the plant golem had a much higher soak, and a lot more damage behind its punches. Oh well. I wasn't sure how to follow up if he won anyway. And obviously, having vagabond join the fray didn't help at all. She even blew a hero die just to get a hit in. And he had to use his advantage, obviously. And no, he had no hero die. He missed a defense roll by 1 so I divided it into hero points and spent one.

As for what will happen to Bryan next? I don't know. Honestly I hadn't really come up with much of a plan if he lost outside of the monster carrying him to the gang's lair.

I might have to find a way to call in additional back-up to save him... I guess we'll see what happens next time!

Oh, and here's the stats for the monster he fought tonight. And while I'm at it, here's Vagabond's stats too:
Golem, Plant, 18 pts
The plant golem is grown rather than built, unlike most other golems. A benefit of this is that they can actually heal themselves, given sunlight and water. Though technically alive and organic, plant golems are still mindless and are made of plant matter rather than flesh thus they still benefit from the unliving advantage. Creating a plant golem requires one to pour specific alchemical potions onto mundane plants as they mature. This means that a plant golem's appearance can vary widely since they can be made from pretty much any species of plant. Plants can even be fused together to give the final golem many advantages.
B3 A3 M0
60 hits/20 soak
Attack 21/Defense 21/Grab 30
Armor 1 (thick bark), 1 pt
Damage Aura 1 (giant thorns), 1 pt
Heal 1, enhancement: affects non-living, limitation: needs sunlight, water, and fertile soil, 1 pt
Extra limbs 3 (vine tendrils), 3 pts.
Advtanage: Unliving (occultism/alchemy to heal)
20 points (12 stats, 8 powers)
B1 A2 M3
Attack Weak Point, 2 pts
Fleet of Foot (2 jump, 8 movement), 1 pt
Martial Arts Mastery (defensive, grappling, and tricky styles), x4 defense vs melee, x2 grapple, 3 pts
Weapon Technique: Unarmed (+1 HTH, +1 DM), 2 pts
Athletics/acrobatics x2
Stealth/prowling x2
Streetwise/gather information/short cuts x3
Jack of all Trades, photographic memory
Age (young), destitute
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Post by Solarblast »

Like it. Looks like this kid needs a mentor.
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Post by Solarblast »

So is 20 points the total for this campaign?
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Post by xBlackWolfx »

I honestly don't know. I set a limit of 20 points for the characters, but obviously I have no idea what I should be throwing at them. A 10-point minion took a while to beat down, but an 18-point one was obviously too much. Oh well.

And looking back at the last chapter, yes, in the end I forgot about his superspeed. I guess I kinda lost focus after Vagabond showed up since now I had to control 3 characters at the same time. And besides, I was kind of losing hope that he could possibly win anyway. And that fight was taking forever, I just wanted it to be over with.
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