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The Astounding Ocelot

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Post by Saker »

Jukeboxer wrote:Make sense?
Awesome. I love the creativity with the system.

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Post by Jukeboxer »

Cascadian Herald
November 21st, 2010

Ocelot Defuses Crisis in Trinity Bay
By Rachel Corvin

A bizarre scene unfolded yesterday, on an unseasonably sunny afternoon in Trinity Bay State Park. The fair weather attracted a larger number of visitors to the bay recreation area. But good times were disrupted with a series of inexplicable incidents in which a jet skier had a spectacular wipe-out and two sail boats were capsized. As Park Rangers and then County Deputies arrived to evacuate the area, rogue waves slammed into the piers around the Sun and Ski Pro Shop. Many patrons speculated that a Karn attack was imminent. Another jet ski was tossed into the air by a geyser-like blast of water. Wet, cold, and bewildered, the bystanders were pressed further back from the shore by police.

But then help arrived.

Ocelot emerged from the treeline and spoke briefly with Deputy Audley Atchison. "I don't know where he came from, but we were at a loss. I summed up the situation for him and told him to go for it."

Eye-witnesses said that Ocelot sprinted-out to the battered pro shop, searching for the source of the trouble. Apparently, Ocelot evaded a couple of water blasts before jumping on a jet ski and taking to the water. Another wall of water rose up, which he narrowly escaped, before it slammed the shoreline, carrying a surge of knee-deep water and debris across the parking lot.

This reporter arrived on the scene just as the water from that wave receded. From what I saw, the authorities did a terrific job of crowd control on shore. When I spotted Ocelot, he was bobbing on a jet-ski and he appeared to be talking with someone in the water - someone that could only have been Undine. That's right, the same Undine that used to work for Chimera as a member of the Bestiary. But after a couple minutes, Undine went rather quietly. When the confrontation with Ocelot was done, she simply slipped away to deeper waters.

I was able to catch-up with Ocelot on shore. He was somewhat coy about what was said between he and the notorious villainess. The best we know at this point is that she seemed to be testing the waters, so to speak. I think maybe she was testing our resident hero, but that's just me...

Property damages, which are still being assessed, will certainly be near the one million mark. Five people were taken to Trinity Presbyterian Hospital, treated for minor injuries and released. In conclusion, we can be thankful that nobody was seriously injured and that Ocelot was able to bring this dangerous threat to a peaceful end.
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Post by Samuraidad »

Good recap, as usual JB!
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Post by Dustland »

Sounds like a typical day on Lake Lewisville when I lived up there!

Seriously though, thanks for the recaps, these are fun to read.
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Post by Jukeboxer »

Hey Dustland,
Thanks for following along! It's encouraging to know that other BASH-ers enjoy these things.

And yes, Lake Lewisville is still an exciting place- but not as picturesque as Lake Travis.
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Post by Jukeboxer »

Garden of the Lotus

Among the dizzying towers of downtown Cascadia, a figure moved in effortless, graceful arcs. Using a swingline as an extension of his body, the silohuette gained centrifugal velocity, soared across the chasm of Fairfax Boulevard and landed on the ledge of an ultra-modern column of steel and glass.
Ocelot took a quick glance over his right shoulder. There was nobody in sight, but his heightened senses told him otherwise. He was sure he was being watched, maybe even tracked... The predator was not accustomed to being prey.
Another swing. Another pause. Nothing.
But yet something wasn't right.
Only half a block ahead was the impressive spire of Matzuki Electronics Sentinel Tower. Dozens of windows still glowed with interior light even this late in the evening. Ocelot calculated his moves. How could he build-up enough momentum to reach the hanging gardens on the 70th story? If he could pull it off, he knew inhuman prowess would be required to follow him. He ran and launched into a powerful leap over the Clayton Business Court and snared a side-mounted flag pole which he used to propel himself upward with the force of several Gs. Another move added even more velocity and Ocelot nearly lost control on his third move, but he recovered in time for the last upward launch. Flying cleanly through the air, high over the lighted fountains of Matzuki Circle, Ocelot landed on the outer aqueduct of the gardens. Taking little time to admire his accomplishment, he quickly scanned the lush broadleaf flora, slick and cool with moisture, and seeing no one, he crept silently down into the foliage.

Only a minute later, Ocelot's preternatural hearing detected a brief sound - a soft foot fall perhaps - among the steady din of falling water. Moments later, Ocelot could see movement behind the shimmering veil of a garden waterfall which fed the flowing aqueducts. It appeared to be the eery glow of two large eyes. A dark figure emerged onto the aqueduct ledge, moving comfortably some 700 feet above the streets below. This person was completely concealed beneath a flowing dark blue outfit. The fully enclosed head-dress included a metallic headband and glowing lenses for eyes.
Ocelot had never seen him before. He carefully picked-up a smooth stone near his feet and tossed it indiscriminately to draw the mysterious figure's attention. Staying low, Ocelot moved through plants and mulch, but then froze when he noticed a pair of feet in front of him. The half-cat jumped quickly to his feet as the dark figure assumed a martial stance.
"I am Blue Lotus and I have come for you." he said. The voice had a strange electronic quality about it.
Ocelot quipped about the Blue Lotus' outfit, immediately trying to get under his new opponent's skin.
But the two of them froze as a mildly amused laughter emanated from the central area of the garden. Another robed figure appeared on the arched bridge that crossed the converging aqueducts. His reddish garments were trimmed in gold and adorned with arcane symbols. Although he appeared young, his gray hair was pulled back into a pony tail. Ocelot recognized this man.
The Rose Monk took a few steady paces forward as he addressed Blue Lotus, "How is it that a mystic warrior such as yourself is working for Tong thugs? You shame us all."
Blue Lotus replied, "This is not your concern Rose Monk. Not all the secrets of the world are yours to keep."
"Not yet" answered Rose Monk, and then he executed a backflip and disappeared in the thick foliage.
Back to the business at hand, Blue Lotus and Ocelot launched into each other and locked in a lengthy brawl. Blue Lotus used mental powers to try to disorient Ocelot, which he shook off a couple times. At one point, Ocelot stapled those blue robes to a tree by firing his claws! Blue Lotus surprised Ocelot with invisibility. They grappled furiously. They exchanged punches and kicks. Ocelot finally got control of him on the ledge and held him out in open space to intimidate him, but then decided to throw him back into the garden. And on they went... A punch-kick combo knocked Ocelot backwards into the reflecting pool in the middle of the garden. Looking like a cat in a bathtub, Ocelot began to spring out of the waist-deep water, but another mental assault blanked him and this time, he stopped cold. Sopping wet and confused, Ocelot looked around trying to will his limbs to move as the emotionless gaze of the Blue Lotus bore deep into his mind.

[to be continued]
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Post by Samuraidad »

All I have to say is Blue Lotus is going DOWN...HARD! Ha!

Such a fun campaign!
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Post by Jukeboxer »

Yes! This is really fun stuff. And I don't know what's going to happen next either. It has been a long time since I've run such an open-ended series. Feels like old times...
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Post by Jukeboxer »

The Astounding Ocelot, Issue #4

Darkness closed in around him. His peripheral vision fell away until all he could see were the pale glowing eye lenses of Blue Lotus drilling into his psyche! With every fiber of his being, Ocelot blocked the mental invasion. Shaking it off, he remembered that he was standing in 2 feet of water and realized that Blue Lotus was diving through the air at him!
He twisted away from a two-punch combination and cracked Blue Lotus across the jaw with a solid punch, causing the mystic warrior to stumble backwards into shallower water. And so the brawl continued… Blue Lotus launched another mental barrage, but this time Ocelot resisted, perhaps blind in his determination to end this dance. More punches and kicks were exchanged, but Ocelot got in close and took down Lotus at the waterline of the reflecting pool. Using his strength advantage, he secured a sleeper hold until Blue Lotus faded into unconsciousness!
Before the police arrived, he found a small scroll tube on Blue Lotus which he kept to himself. He explained his side of the story to the Police Sergeant in charge. As they apprehended Blue Lotus they removed the mask to reveal that he… was a SHE! Blue Lotus was actually a Chinese woman in her mid-20s.

A few days of investigation ensued when Ocelot opened the scroll to find it was indeed intended for him. It read:

"Let this be the end of conflict between you and the Changxu Tong. Stay out of Little Qindao and avoid entanglement with Tong business and no further harm will come to you."

It was signed with a Chinese symbol pressed into a dark green wax seal. And so, Ocelot began to look for assistance in identifying the nature of that mysterious symbol. He went to Rachel Corvin first, but his path later took him back to Little Qindao where he planted seeds that he wanted to meet with the Rose Monk.

The meeting took place at the forgotten Qindao Gardens at the heart of Cascadia’s Chinatown. Originally constructed as a temple courtyard in the late 1800s, the gardens were hemmed-in by taller more modern buildings on all sides. The discussion with Rose Monk was intriguing indeed. Chinese lore is among his top priorities and he knew the symbol on sight. Rose Monk explained that the symbol represents Tsun Lao, a mythical sorcerer whose story can be traced as far back as the Jin Dynasty – around 300 A.D. They both pondered why the ChangXu Tong would be using this symbol. Ocelot proposed an alliance, but Rose Monk declined. The monk's mysterious agenda would remain his alone.

The very next evening, Daniel McPherson was out of costume. Ocelot had the night off. McPherson had his own obligations to keep. He picked-up coworker Janey LaSalle and they headed up to a posh convention center and entertainment district known as Temple Hill to attend the DE (Donnegan Enterprises) Christmas Party. DE also owns the Cascadian Herald, so a fun scene occurred when Ocelot’s reporter friend, Rachel Corvin, arrived with her date, a striking executive by the name of Mark Hartley of Pacific Capital.

As the dance floor filled-in and the party got into full-swing, a sudden panic broke-out in the concourse area! Daniel rushed out to see what was going on and he found people pressed against the glass watching chaos unfold in the plaza area outside the convention center. A man-sized bipedal lizard was rampaging! The velociraptor tore through banners and foliage! It trounced through planter boxes and fountain pools! Shoppers fled in every direction. Daniel turned and sprinted to his motorcycle, pulling his costume from a compact storage space under the seat; he did a quick-change behind a catering van and ran to stop that dinosaur! He got there just in time as the raptor was about to have a Cascadia cop for dinner, Ocelot swung down and snatched the policeman out of the creature’s line of sight! Then Ocelot squared-off with the creature. He dodged the beast’s advance and swung around behind it in an awkward grapple. The two of them rolled across the ground demolishing patio furniture and splashing through a fountain as Ocelot tightened his grip, until finally the velociraptor succumbed.

Ocelot pulled a metal tag from the back of the creature’s neck. It was stamped with a bar code of some sort. A SWAT unit arrived along with Animal Control and they sedated the beast and hauled it away in an armored truck. Of course, the consummate reporter, Rachel Corvin also came out to the scene, dictating her thoughts on her smart phone.

After all the excitement, the DE Christmas Party resumed deep into the night.
Last edited by Jukeboxer on Thu Sep 08, 2011 12:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jukeboxer »

Cascadian Herald, December 18th, 2010
Window Shopping Just Got More Exciting
By Rachel Corvin

It was supposed to be a relaxing night at the Annual D.E. Corporate Christmas Party. Things were off to an excellent start at the Temple Hill Convention Center as Murphy City Express launched into their first set of classic Top 40. Donnegan Enterprises throws a Christmas BASH like no other company in the great northwest.

But at 9:04 p.m. the festive scene took a drastic turn. Screams erupted from the lobby area and many of us overly-curious types, ran to the windows to see the cause of all the commotion. We were all wide-eyed and speechless at the sight of a huge lizard making a swath of destruction in the upscale plaza outside! The creature resembled the velociraptors from Jurassic Park; fast and sleek. It tore through random decorations, lights, and banners; it bowled-over large potted plants; it charged at fleeing shoppers. Amazingly only two people were injured and only one of those was severe.

Just when it appeared that the beast was about to kill someone, a hero emerged. Officer Bobby Davis noticed that the predator was focused on lady with two shreiking children and he used a flashlight to draw the creature's attention to himself. As the beast prepared to charge Officer Davis, he drew his handgun. And if you think this story is coming to an ugly end, wait. There was another hero in the mix. Ocelot appeared out of nowhere to sweep Officer Davis out of harm's way! One hero deserves another.

The astonishing spectacle continued as Ocelot tangled with the huge predator and they rolled around in the center of the Temple Hill Plaza! Somehow, after what seemed like a lengthy struggle until the creature finally became listless. It was like a cross between the Discovery Channel and an MMA match! Authorities quickly moved-in, sedated and secured the monster, and hauled it away. A SWAT team patrolled the plaza to ensure that there were no further threats.

I spoke briefly with our resident superhero and he seemed rather glib about the whole thing. He is an intriguing cat, having assumed a life-or-death role of the city defender - but yet he maintains this easy-going demeanor. For me, window shopping in this city has an added edge, wondering whether I will catch another glimpse of Ocelot swinging into action at any moment.

In the end, the whole scene was cleared-up rather quickly, but I'm sure the shop-owners of Temple Hill are dealing with a mess today. Give them a break, but certainly keep shopping up there. You need gifts. They need the business. And it's Christmas after all.
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Post by Jukeboxer »

I should have also mentioned that McPherson (Samaraidad) had a great line (worthy of Hero Pt) after his velociraptor encounter. He changed back into his formal attire and returned to the party to find his date, Janey LaSalle, rather miffed about his disappearance during the panic. He explained that he ran out to get his digital camera.
"Camera? CAMERA??" she exclaimed, "Are you outta your mind?"
Daniel excitedly replied, "But THAT would've made an awesome SCREENSAVER!"

This series has been packed with fun moments like this. And although role-playing really has little to do with what system you are using, BASH is such a solid emulation of the genre, it sets the tone for the non-action scenes as well.
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Post by Samuraidad »

Love Rachel's articles! And the gameplay is even better! :)
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Post by Jukeboxer »

Astounding Ocelot, Issue No. 5, Part I

Groggily, McPherson reached over and silenced his phone alarm. His first waking thought turned to the metal tag he had pulled from his prehistoric foe a couple of nights before. He had to find a way to decipher that code. This was his second encounter with such a creature and he had to know who was behind it. As a technician at Aldergrove Laboratories, he figured that reading the code should not be much of an obstacle.

At the office later that morning, McPherson tried a couple of the code readers to which he had easy access. No luck. The bar code was in a proprietary format. And so he waited for the right moment to approach Janey – she dealt with a wide variety of sampling and inventory across the bio-engineering industry. She was cool and cordial and obviously not thrilled about her experience at the company party Friday night. However, she agreed to take a quick look at it. A few minutes later, she had scanned it in and matched it to the proper system. The code read:

Specimen 23b U295731 – Xa

From the 7-character component, Janey quickly determined that this tag belonged to Unitech’s R&D division. Daniel knew that Unitech had a presence in Cascadia. After some more searching, they were unable to determine the meaning of the 2-characters “X-a”.

Before long Daniel discovered that Unitech’s new location was in the Ascension Industrial Tower, one of the newest additions to the skyline, only a few miles from Aldergrove. He began forming plans to break into one of the most technologically advanced buildings in the country. In planning for this operation, Daniel contacted a friend, former college roommate Brady Pettis, who is now a security technologies specialist.

The next day at McPherson’s apartment, the two of them got caught up for a while, and then Daniel decided he would have to let Brady in his big secret.
“Hey Brady, have seen what’s been going on with this Ocelot guy here in town?”
“Oh yeah… I think its cool man. I mean other cities have super human defenders, why not us?”
Daniel shrugged with a devious smirk, “Come here. Check this out.” He led him into the hallway where he had built-in a rotating closet, which he turned like a lazy susan. The full costume slid into view; the claws, the cowl, everything. For a moment, Brady stared, dumbfounded.
And then with an outburst, “Where the * did you get that?” he demanded.
“I’m him”.
More silence.
“I’m Ocelot.”
Another outburst, “You? Nah… What? No… YOU? How the…”
It took poor Brady a while to accept this revelation, but another couple beers later he was calming down. Daniel didn’t fully explain how all this came to pass, but he drew Brady in by soliciting his assistance. Once they started talking security systems and Unitech, Brady seemed fully engaged. Over the next few days, they bounced ideas around and began to dig deeper for information of Ascension tower and Unitech. By the time Ocelot was prepared to make his move, it was New Year’s Eve.
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Post by Jukeboxer »

Astounding Ocelot, Issue 5, Part II (a condensed account of swirling chain of events!)

In the vale of darkness, Ocelot waited. Cascadia's automated monorail system was mercilessly on-time. As the "silver bullet" approached, he coiled and sprang into the night landing softly on the last train car. Within seconds the train was swallowed by obisidian-like hulk of Ascension Industrial Tower. This high-tech facility was 30-stories smooth steel and thick glass with an electronic nervous system running through every square foot.

Ocelot slid off of the train and began to quietly assess the main entrance. Only seconds after the train moved out of Ascension station, Ocelot noticed he was being watched by an electronic eye. A cold computerized voice warned him that he must exit the station at this time. In the next few minutes the warnings repeated and escalated over and over. The monorail would be back in minutes and the surveillance system was getting more... uh... insistent that he leave the premises. He dropped down below the rails and found a maintenance tunnel. He could hear the whirring sound of an approaching security robot. Using his metallic claws he pried the door free and was into the shaft.

For the next 30 minutes he played a game of cat-and-mouse with the secu-bots through a maze of duct work, shafts, and corridors. There were a couple of close calls, but using the info that Brady had provided, he made his way to the top floor; the executive suite of Unitech. By this point the entire building was in general alarm, lockdown. His window of opportunity was fast closing. He forced his way into the office of the Chief Operations Officer and was able to hack into that workstation. He used a jump drive to extract a few important files with the X-alpha designation. Just as the download completed, the office door gave-way and secu-bots started firing stun pulses, which only helped Ocelot break the window and disappear once again.


A short while later, Daniel McPherson caught up with his friend Brady, but at 2 a.m. on New Year's Day, Brady - with girlfriend in tow - was not in the right frame of mind to decipher Daniel's files. They agreed to get together later that day.

McPherson's cell phone rudely beckoned only 5 and half hours later. It was Brady. "Daniel man... Check out Channel 8 right now!" McPherson was stunned to find that Unitech had already released security video to the media of Ocelot slinking around Ascension Tower last night! The morning anchorman was pretty opinionated and certainly assumed the worst about Ocelot's intentions for the break-in. Suddenly, the realization set-in that Ocelot is now one of Cascadia's most wanted.

New Year's Day became a whirlwind of activity. First Daniel was called-in to Aldergrove Labs as one of the processing pump motors was down and Dr. Kendrick was freaking out about it! He cringed as heard them discussing the apparent turn of Ocelot into a villain. It was the talk of the town.

After attending to the crisis at work, he met with Brady to work on the encrypted Unitech files. In short, Brady was able to identify the key individuals with X-alpha clearance within the Unitrex corporation:

1. Unitrex CEO Edward Loughlin
2. Unitech President Oma Ibera
3. Omicor President Marilyn Haynes
4. "U".... undisclosed recipient, appears to be blind-copied.

There was a fun moment when Brady asked Ocelot about his velociraptor encounter, "By the way, are they really cold-blooded or warm-blooded?"

Daniel replied, "When you are trying to choke one out, it doesn't matter!"

A few hours later, as Ocelot, he secretly met with his favorite reporter, Rachel Corvin, at the arboretum near the Trinity State University campus. Surprisingly this meeting led to lengthy philisophical discussion regarding roles, perceptions, career risks, and so forth. In the end, she cautiously agreed to quietly research the Unitrex execs on the side.


Given the ugliness of public perception at the moment, Ocelot laid low for a few days. However, when street rumors began to swirl that the Tong was about to get into turf war with a local drug dealer, Ocelot decided to go back on patrol. One night, as he watched nervous gang-members milling about on the fringes of Little Qindao, something else caught his attention. About half a mile away, emergency response lights whirled silently on a forgotten side street. He moved to the scene with stealthy predatorial grace. Nobody noticed a thing.

Several squad cars and an ambulance blocked the end of an alley. It was eerily quiet as lights flashed and authorities investigated and documented the scene where a body laid motionless beneath a collapsed fire escape. Ocelot had a sickening feeling. He had to get closer.

A minute later, he was close enough to eavesdrop on the detective and the investigators picking-over the crime scene. The victim was none other than Doctor Kendrick! McPherson's boss at Aldergrove Labs! And one of the pieces of evidence was a shard of glass with a label that read C381. Ocelot toiled nearby in confusion and grief for hours as the night sky spun past and the investigators finished cleaning up the scene. A single squad car remained behind to tape off the restricted area and keep watch. Despite the sentry, Ocelot still crept down to conduct his own investigation. Of course, this was no accident. It appeared that someone or something, very large and very strong, pulled the steel structure from the wall and dropped it on his former manager!

Last edited by Jukeboxer on Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jukeboxer »

That was the most role-play heavy game session I've run in years! Actually... maybe ever! And it was still big fun. I think we only rolled dice about 4 times. LOL! But Ocelot's world is becoming a bit of a tangled web.

I should note that C381 is the very same formula that created Ocelot in a lab accident. A while ago, there was a small piece of the story that I was unable to fully document, where McPherson was helping his friend Janey LaSalle find a missing sample from the C300 series. McPherson, realizing that he had accidentally "disposed" of the missing fluid filled the C381 vial with another sample as a substitute.

So much plot.... So little time... *grin*
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