Act 2, cont.
While Wild Card and Malakai go do some sleuthing, someone drops off MJ's broken sword at the hospital. It seems like the sword was some kind of focus because now she can still use her powers, but they don't always work how she wanted.
One thing leads to another, the characters get in bed with the Men in Black (bunch of pricks), and off they go to a part of town that had been destroyed during the super power holocaust years ago. It's a dangerous place where space and time distort, terrible critters are running around, etc.
The heros begin to hallucinate (sort of) but they make their way to the center of the destroyed quarter. There they are attacked by soul-sucking spirits that are guarding a ghostly carousel that contains a device we're looking for (to win cred with the MIB).
Well the soul-suckers weren't too much of a problem, but MJ was. At some point she decided to activate her magnetic control (which she became convinced was gravity control and started referring to herself as Gravitron ::groan::). Well, she blew her roll and ended up tossing Malakai and Wild Card into the air which accomplished two things:
1) Wild Card noticed that the device they were looking for was in the center of the carousel.
2) It nearly killed both of us because, once again, neither of us had movement powers and had already defended against a number of attacks, greatly reducing our ability to defend against our knuckle head teammate's power (one of the odd things about the Supers! rules set, more on that later).
Well, we lived (barely), managed to stop the freaky carousel from *, and retrieved the device. Go team!
Oh and we spotted more of the alien critters hunting along the borders of the blasted region. We ignored them really, since the MIB claimed to have the island where we'd last seen then cordoned off and were supposed to be taking care of the problem.
Did I mention the MIB are generally a bunch of a-holes? Well, we decided to let them deal with the issue since they didn't seem to appreciate us too terribly much and it was fun rubbing their noses in their failure.
So, about this device. We were supposed to return with it to the Victory Tower, the old base of operations for the original, now deceased, supers, and give it to the MIB so they could figure out how to operate the systems therein.
Having been * around by them repeatedly, we decided to take matters into our own hands and wasted an hour or two of our lives trying to figure out how to circumvent the MIB and find our own answers as to how the device worked.
In the end, we were simply too paranoid to deal with the existing "super mind" groups in the city and reluctantly returned to the MIB with our tails between our legs and handed over the item. Oh but Wild Card did pick up a snazy white suit to wear around the MIB, just to be a bit more childish than necessary
Well, the MIB were (mildly) greatful and it looked like we were on our way to becoming a proper super hero team, complete with MIB minions (who still didn't particularly like us) and a base of operations, hoo-rah!