Below, is a list of alternate names that were proposed for Canada:
* Albion
* Anglia – to honour of the main religion of the Protestant British
* Albionoria – "Albion of the north"
* Borealia – from 'borealis', the Latin word for 'northern'; compare with Australia
* Cabotia – in honour of Italian explorer John Cabot, who explored the eastern coast of Canada for England
* Colonia
* Efisga – an acronym of "English, French, Irish, Scottish, German, Aboriginal"
* Hochelaga – an old name for Montreal
* Laurentia
* Mesopelagia – "land between the seas"
* Norland
* Superior
* Tuponia – derived from 'The United Provinces of North America'
* Transatlantica
* Ursalia – "place of bears"
* Vesperia – "land of the evening star"
* Victorialand – in honour of Queen Victoria
Hard to believe I could have been an Efisgan citizen