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World of Cascadia

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World of Cascadia

Post by Jukeboxer »

Here are some developing ideas for a campaign setting that myself and Samuraidad are brainstorming. Feel free to weigh-in with any ideas or insight. We welcome your feedback.


Cascadia, Oregon is located on the US west coast near the Northern California border. The Cascadia MSA is now 625 square miles with a population approaching 4 million, it is quite comparable to San Francisco 350 miles to the south. By contrast however, Cascadia has shed most of its 19th century heritage for a high-tech, ultra modern image. It is not all clean and futuristic though. Like any major metropolis, this city has impoverished and crime-infested districts, and beneath the shiny veneer of uptown Cascadia, dark intentions are often unfolding.

This is a setting in which superhumans have been observed and documented for over 130 years and the existence of another plane, known as the oscillasphere, is a widely-accepted fact. These factors have had a huge impact on our world.
Last edited by Jukeboxer on Tue Aug 31, 2010 12:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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History Part 1

Post by Jukeboxer »

A Brief History of Cascadia

Cascadia is a vibrant modern city on the Pacific Coast, but it is also one of the oldest communities in the region. There are a wide variety of factors that have attracted new residents and visitors alike for nearly 200 years. The area enjoys an abundance of natural resources and scenic vistas, from the deep blue waters of Trinity Bay to the fresh aquamarine of the Chacosta River to the spectacular Mount Senestan towering to the east.

This metropolis started as a pioneer settlement called Trinity Bay in the 1820s. The name Trinity Bay is historically attributed to Reginald Orin who noted the roughly triangular-shape of the lagoon. Orin was a preacher as well as a civic leader and it is widely believed that his Christian theology was also factor in the naming of the settlement. The land that juts out into the Pacific to create the bay is called Cape Orin in his honor.

Due to a great variety of natural resources, the area began to boom years before the great Gold Rush era of the mid-1800s. Fishing and ship-building were the first major industries to flourish in the bay area. Of course the Gold Rush also brought a second wave of growth to the area, but even though most did not find their riches, many of the migrant workers and settlers stayed for other reasons.

During the Civil War epoch, Trinity Bay continued to prosper as more people left the war torn east in search of a new destiny. The completion of the Northern Pacific Railroad in 1870, which was the second transcontinental route to go in service in the United States, ushered in a new wave of prosperity.

Miraculous Rumors

Elsewhere around the world, it was during this time when the first reports of super humans with miraculous or magical abilities began to emerge from places like New York, London, Rome, and Paris. The scientists of the day were at a loss to explain it all and many sectors of society had a sudden philosophical crisis to debate.

Early supers were generally undisciplined, power-drunk, and dangerous and they tended to use their powers for selfish gain. Fortunately, by today’s standards, these burgeoning super humans were not very powerful or perhaps they were forced to be very conservative with their power in order to maintain control. Nonetheless, a great many tragedies were linked to super human incidents in the 1870s in which control was lost. A few of them accidentally destroyed their own hometowns, their loved ones, or even themselves in the early days and so they were shunned by society as freakish accidents waiting to happen. So for many of these gifted individuals, they wished only to keep their powers secret and live a normal life, but for those that had no respect for society, a life of crime beckoned.

Crown of the Cascades

In 1873, the first known attempt to reach the summit of Mount Cascadia – the Crown of the Cascade Range - failed when Captain James Arcotte’s party was overcome with volcanic fumes. Two of the climbers did not return. During these years, the mountain’s Native American name, “Senestan”, was also widely used. However, it wasn’t until 1875 that Mount Senestan was finally conquered by the legendary Stone Wolf of the Yakima Nation. Many documented accounts concurred that Stone Wolf possessed abilities beyond that of mortal men, exhibiting unnatural stamina and resistance to cold. It is said that he made the ascent to the summit with only minimal equipment and fur skins. Today, historians generally agree that he was the first recorded super human in the region. In recognition of Stone Wolf’s achievement, the mountain would officially be named Mount Senestan the following year.

By 1877, the area had become a sprawl of settlements around the bay and up the Chacosta River. At that point a council was formed and votes were cast and the area officially became the City of Cascadia.

Earthquake and Eruption of 1881 – the largest quake in the history of the city caused catastrophic damage through the heart of downtown. By today’s estimation, the quake was about 8.2 on the Richter scale. Only three days later, Mount Senestan erupted amid aftershocks. Fortunately prevailing westerly winds carried the ash plume away from the ravaged city; however the floodplain of the Chacosta River was stricken by a hot mudflow which greatly hampered recovery. Geologists have since determined that this eruption was relatively minor compared to evidence of past and potential events.

The rebuilding and restoration of the city was the primary story of this decade. One of the top priorities was to get the Northern Pacific rail line back into service. By the spring of 1882, the rail line and Trinity Bay harbor were both frenetic lifelines pumping life back into Cascadia. This also period brought many more new opportunities and new residences to the area.

1888 Physicist Simon Rohlm discovered an aural oscillation effect associated with super humans. This leads to the theory of the Oscillasphere – a domain of metaphysical oscillation – that was linked to paranormal abilities. In the next few years, super humans would come to be commonly known as “oscillians”.

In 1893, a destitute oscillian by the name of Thomas Glaser got the idea to join a travelling carnival and make some money on his freakish abilities to freeze water and make projectiles of ice. To embellish his persona and power for entertainment, Mr. Glaser created a costume which embraced his theme of cold-based powers. To his own amazement, he discovered that he was able to better control and amplify his power while in costume. As his confidence grew, he was determined to not remain a sideshow attraction for long. On July 11th, 1893, the carnival was threatened by a wildfire. "The Glacier" made his first heroic appearance, staving off the fire, and super-heroism began a turn toward public acceptance.

Many more Oscillians followed The Glacier's example and they too experienced greater control and greater power by embracing their mysterious abilities with an appropriately thematic costume. Over the years, this has come to be known as “attunement” and to this day it is not fully understood how or why costumes facilitate this metaphysical link to the oscillasphere.
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The Oscillasphere

Post by Jukeboxer »

We are currently working on the 20th century piece of the history. In the meantime, here is a bit more on the power source of the Cascadia settting:

The Oscillasphere

A metaphysical dimension of constant variation that overlays our material world. In the World of Cascadia, a small percentage of people can access the oscillasphere and have a sort of "dual existence". This duality allows these people to bend the laws of the physical world to which normal people are bound. Officially, these people are labeled “Oscillians”, but to the world-at-large they are simply superhuman.

The oscillasphere is THE source of super-powers. Powers are manifested as an extension of a person’s natural ability, mentality, or spirituality. Therefore someone who is naturally intelligent and inventive, would likely manifest gadgeteer/super-science type powers. A muscle-bound athlete would naturally develop super-strength and toughness. Some Oscillians are able to channel a wide variety “oscillations” or superpowers and become world-class heroes or villains. It should be noted that most Oscillians can be weakened by something that impairs their link or duality. This weakness can take many forms from an opposite power, to a particular type of material (silver, lead) or element. (water, fire/ice). The degree to which a superhuman is impacted varies from a mildly weakened state to complete powerlessness.

The Oscillian Loop
Attuning – to bring into harmony - is another key concept of the O-sphere. By the 1920s, it was a proven fact that Oscillians who wore costumes which supported their powers and themes could amplify their abilities and achieve much greater control.

In the 1890s, when The Glacier arrived on the scene with his blue and white costume, it was speculated that the affect of his suit was merely psychological, but over the next 20+ years, many more oscillians proved that the costumes were actually indispensible for reaching their peak potential – for better or for worse. This gave rise to the costumed, masked superheroes (and villains) in the World of Cascadia. This concept is still not fully understood, but the prevailing modern-day theory is that the dual existence of these gifted people relies on a physical embodiment of their metaphysical powers in order to complete a “channeling loop” between the oscillasphere and the material world.

Coincidentally, when oscillians are out of costume, they are noticeably weaker. This is a kind of universal weakness for all super-humans, which gives them good reason for wearing masks and wanting to keep their identity secret.
Last edited by Jukeboxer on Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Lindharin »

Interesting setting, Jukeboxer! It sounds like you are planning to use a game mechanic penalty to their powers when they are out of costume. Have you decided what type of penalty it is going to be?
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Post by Jukeboxer »

Thanks Lindharin!

I'm thinking that -1x across-the-board will be the common adjustment. However, I believe this should vary depending on the character's theme. But since I've yet to actually play BASH, I'm open to suggestions!

In addition to this common penalty, supers may also have the particular weaknesses per the core rules as well.
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Post by Samuraidad »

Jukeboxer and I hope to employ this limitation as flavoring in this setting. I really like this explanation as to why supers wear costumes. It just anchors this foundational trope (costumes) of 4 color worlds in an air of realism.

Oh and don't forget the art deco and the zeppelins. Cascadia will be somewhat of a west coast version meshing of Metropolis and Gotham. Old and new. Dark and light. Bright shining towers amidst older dark victorian architechture. Lot's of dark, wet allies to play in!
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Starting the 20th century timeline

Post by Jukeboxer »

You bet, Cascadia will be big enough to accommodate the full spectrum of city life. It's image will be that of a progressive modern city, but there will be some rough neighborhoods.

Here is a bit more on the chronology:

1896 – First flight – The Wright Brothers teamed up with oscillian genius Dr. David Bellcroft which put the flying machine project several years ahead of schedule. Their first successful test occurred near their shop in Dayton, Ohio.

World War I – 1914-1919 - Offline, we've touched on the WW1 era and pretty much decided that supers (oscillians) would not have had a major impact on this conflict. It was such a political chain-reaction powder-keg... and at that point, supers were still trying to come to terms with the "attunement" concept and public acceptance. Overall the most powerful supers at that time were less than “street level” supers by modern standards and most powers were fairly subtle.

1922 – Chicago - First unassisted flight – a nefarious super-criminal known as The Ghost of Burton Place, was the first oscillian to display flight powers. According to written accounts, he was never seen achieving much speed or altitude, so his power was likely more of a levitation or self-applied telekinesis.
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Post by Samuraidad »

And now a highlight of a historical figure who was pivotal in what Cascadia became today:

Brendan Patrick Donnegan was the son of Irish immigrants who came to the US during the infamous Irish potato famine. He grew up in Boston, and worked as a paperboy, and worked his way up to a position of a reporter through hard work. It was about this time that he began having strange dreams and visions that began to come true (his entry into the Oscillosphere). With practice he began to be able to predict the way the stock market would go, which horses would win, and had an uncanny habit of being at the right place at the right time. All this gained him tremendous popularity and no small amount of wealth ta boot. Which is why it surprised everyone when one day in 1893 Donnegan up and left Boston for the new frontier out west. He ended up in Cascadia after a few adventures wandering through Tomb Stone, Arizona and such places.

Donnegan bought the fledging Cascadia Tribune. And soon the paper became one of the most prominent news papers in the country. By 1900, he had already begun to develop a plan for Cascadia. He owned numerous companies some well known and others lesser so. But all fueled his great desire to make Cascadia a utopia where poverty and hardship didn't exist. But he was also a firm believer in capitalism and free enterprise. He firmly believed that every man should be given an opportunity to "get a leg up" so that they can be self sustaining. He was an extravagant follower of the arts and an avid naturalist, which explains the many arts and conservation foundationtions and trusts in his name that exist even today. Donnegan was a flamboyant and affable man who loved to be in the public eye. And yet he had a very mysterious and private side. It was said that Donnegan was a friend to all and a confidant to none.

In his life time, Donnegan can be attributed with creating and mapping large portions of the Cascadia that exists today. For example, he bought large stretches of land that would later become future suburbs and ensured the ordinances and parks that would be there. He had the foresight to provide incentive grants for the development of Cascadia's advanced monorail/subway. And one of his surviving journals revealed that he foresaw a coming war between supers who would uphold the side of law vs. those who were agents of disorder. And so convicted he secretly created a fund to create the city's (if not the world's) very first super team (need a name). Then came WW I. He volunteered for military service and flew many missions as a fighter pilot over France. Donnegan lived through the experience but came back a changed man. The horrors of war had scarred him profoundly. He disappeared largely from the public eye and became something of a hermit. Not much is known of the two decades that came after. All that is known is that an enormous number of strange inventions came out of this time period. Donnegan became more wealthy than anyone really knew. What the common person doesn't realize is that he saw in the War to end all wars nothing less than the corruptness and evil of men and the destruction that would bring. So he committed himself to building a vast network to prevent it.

Oddly, in the Spring of 1938 Donnegan held a press conference to tell of a new aircraft that he had developed driven by a jet engine. And that he would single handedly test it himself by flying around the world. And though he wore a fedora and sunglasses he didn't look a day over 30. His experimental plane never made it but disappeared somewhere over the South Pacific. It was assumed that he died that day but no body was ever found.

Brendan Patrick Donnegan died just before Hitler invaded Poland and began the events that would lead to to WWII. Shortly after this time a privately funded Super Team emerged to fight against this menace. Many suspected it was with Donnegan's money though there was no proof for it. And Donnegan's will ordered that all his journals be burned. Only a few escaped destruction. And the few that did, were near impossible to decipher. But the information that has come from them shows a man of incredible intellect, creativity, conviction and foresight. It also revealed a man with surprisingly tremendous fears and insecurities. Donnegan had numerous lovers but never married and had no known heirs. His vast wealth was devoted to the various organizations and foundations he created that is overseen by a handfull of extremely loyal CEOs and lawyers. There are rumors that still exist that he was seen here and there all over the world...sometimes with Elvis.
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Post by Jukeboxer »

Love it! All kinds plot seeds in there... :D

So, I'm thinking that Donnegan was probably about 25-30 by the time he left Boston, so his actual age would have been about 70 at the time of his disappearance! Wow...

This sets up so that we can now start to think about the first West Coast super team and the alternate history of WW2!
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Re: Donnegan!

Post by Samuraidad »

Jukeboxer wrote:Love it! All kinds plot seeds in there... :D

So, I'm thinking that Donnegan was probably about 25-30 by the time he left Boston, so his actual age would have been about 70 at the time of his disappearance! Wow...

This sets up so that we can now start to think about the first West Coast super team and the alternate history of WW2!
Can you say immortality, precognition, and luck? I knew you could! I didn't really plan this, but it seems that Donnegan really did have "the luck of the Irish"! ;)
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Test for Sharing linked character sheet.

Post by Jukeboxer »


Yeah.... Didn't think that would work. I've tried Flickr and and I don't see how you embed character sheet images in this forum. What's the trick?
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Re: Test for Sharing linked character sheet.

Post by MrJupiter »

Jukeboxer wrote:Image

Yeah.... Didn't think that would work. I've tried Flickr and and I don't see how you embed character sheet images in this forum. What's the trick?
I created a couple of Flickr accounts for use in storing and posting pics. Once you upload a picture "click" on it and select the larger size view. then scroll down and...

...What have they done?

I'm not sure anymore :?
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Post by MrJupiter »

Okay. I thinkn I've got it...

1/ Select a picture that you have saved on Flickr.
2/ Now, at the top left of your picture, you should see a drop-box for "Actions" and one for "Share this".
3/ Pick the "share this" option.
4/ Now go down to the "Grab the HTML" and select. Then...
5/ Select "BBCode" and pick the size you want to post. Then...
6/ Highlight and copy the text.

Now, back at your forum post:
1/ find the place you wish to post your image in the topic reply and set the cursor there.
2/ "Click" on the "Img" box.
3/ Now paste your coding.
4/ Then "Click" on the "Img" button again.

When you submit your topic reply your picture should be there. I hope it works for you.
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Post by Jukeboxer »

Mr. Jupiter, you really are a hero! I'll give it a shot.

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Post by Jukeboxer »

This should show an image of the city center/skyline of Cascadia:

Cascadia by gwbrown83, on Flickr[/img]

Bingo! Thanks again Mr. Jupiter!
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