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Welcome to Centropolis...

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 7:05 pm
by KarlGreen
This is the setting I am using for my PBP game over on

It is based on a city a friend and I came up with for our first Muntants and Masterminds 1st ed game that we co-GMed. Kevin did all the pictures, I am not that talented :D but I came up with most of the background info.

Our Basic Background for the City is...

Founded in 1848 by prospectors looking for gold and silver in western Nevada, they settled on the southern banks of the Platte River to explore into the hills of the surrounding area. Enough deposits were found that the city grew rapidly. By the 1880’s it was also a major destination for cattle drives and a number of small and mid-sized slaughterhouse plants were formed.

Centropolis would have remained a small frontier boom town has it not be for the discovery of Unobtanium around the turn of the 19th century. In fact it is one of the few places in the continental US where this rare mineral is found. Due to the refinement and processions of this precious mineral, the industry to meet that needs was located here.

The Centralist Canal was build to connect the ore mines and the Platte River during the 1930’s.

Centropolis bills itself as a clean, safe and modern city of 8 million, but scratch the surface and one can find a great deal of corruption and crime.

Now I have to add some outlying communities.

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 7:45 pm
by Unknown_Blitz
Sounds like a good start to a cool city, and btw I know the game is all full up now, but if someone drops let me know, I'd be interested in giving it a go.


Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 5:06 pm
by AslanC
How is the campaign going so far?

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:12 pm
by Jukeboxer
Karl - if you're still around - your Centropolis is a sharp-looking city! I hope you guys got the chance to play a few sessions in this town. In terms of style, it looks exactly like I had imagined my setting, Cascadia. In fact, I would like to use Centropolis as a sister city of Cascadia and expand our campaign world. With your permission, I would like to link my site to yours and add a Centropolis page to my site.

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 3:34 am
by kevperrine
Jukeboxer wrote:Karl - if you're still around - your Centropolis .

Not sure if Karl will see this... I check in on BASH! fairly regularly, not sure if he does.

Karl had this cool germ of an idea WAY back in the M&M1st edition days. We developed it together over a half-dozen or more campaigns. And were we to ever put together a campaign book for a city for any RPG or any character based books/adventures, Centropolis would be it!
Together we have tons and tons of stuff. Mostly together, but I think we've each ran a few games in the city separately too.

Many of the original material was built for M&M games, but more recently we've both toyed with Centropolis in BASH!

I actually have a great outline written for BASH! as a sister city to Megapolis for Megapolis Year II, if I can ever finish it... :)

As for linking and such.
I'm sure Karl would be cool with it if he doesn't reply. Most of the images and such on the site were made by me anyway. hehe


Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 10:34 am
by Jukeboxer
Oh wow! I didn't realize that you were the Kevin to whom Karl referred in his initial post. I love the images you created of the city. Visually, it is an inspiring backdrop for all kinds of supers. May I ask, what software did you use?

It sounds like you've done a lot of gaming in Centropolis and developed much more history than I suspected. That makes me more hesitant to use it for my own purposes. However, if you guys produce a setting guide, count me in!