This is a Lieber-esque game centered around the powerful city-state of Zarthul, where our heroes first meet each other under unusual circumstances.
Leonidas, aka Leo the Lucky, is a self-described "gentleman of opportunity" who in fact tends to have terrible luck. In his latest criminal venture, he was betrayed to the authorities by an underworld associate and wound up in prison.
Leonidas (Leo the Lucky)
Bx1, Ax4, Mx3
Advantage: Shrewd
Disadvantage: Cursed
Powers: Charisma 1 pt, Disarm 2 pts, Footwork 1 pt (EC1), Keen Hearing 1 pt
Skills: Athletics x4 (Climbing), Deception x3 (Lying), Escapology x4 (Manacles), Performing Arts x4 (Juggling), Security x3 (Picking Locks), Stealth x4 (Shadowing), Streetwise x3 (Gambling)
Equipment: 1-handed sword (x4 hit, x3 dmg), thieves tools, mirror, middle-class clothes, boots, belt & belt-pouch
Halgred Boldaxe is a northern barbarian who joined Zarthul's army as a mercenary, but military discipline wasn't his cup of tea. He got into an argument and punched his unit captain, that's how he wound up behind bars.
Halgred Boldaxe
Bx4, Ax3, Mx1
Advantage: Blaze of Glory
Disadvantage: Overconfidence
Powers: Armor Familiarity 1 pt, Mind Shield 1 pt (x3 mental defense), Reckless Might 1 pt (EC1), Skillful 1 pt, 2-Handed Axe Technique (+1 hit) 1 pt
Skills: Athletics x3 (Running), Craftsmanship x3 (Weapon Smithing), Outdoor x2 (Survival, Tracking), Riding x3 (Galloping)
Equipment: 2-handed axe (x4 hit, x7 dmg), barbarian clothes, belt, boots, water skin, runic holy symbol (carved antler pendant, 3 Dinari)
Nimari is an Amazon princess who was once considered a likely candidate to become their next queen. But due to the machinations of her ambitious sister, Salome, Nimari was exiled from Amazon society, and ended up in Zarthul as a sword-for-hire. One day a male warrior decided to prove himself by starting a fight with an Amazon. Nimari killed him, and was arrested for her trouble.
Bx3, Ax3, Mx2
Advantage: Fearless
Disadvantage: Outcast
Powers: Armor Familiarity 1 pt, Rank 1 pt, Paired Weapon Fighting 1 pt (EC1), Unarmed Technique (+1 hit) 1 pt, Pankration 1 pt:
· Punch (x4 hit, x3 stun dmg)
· Kick (x4-10 hit, x4 stun dmg, EC1)
· Uppercut (x4-15 hit, x5 stun dmg, EC2)
· Spinning Backfist (x4 hit, x3 stun dmg, Radius 1, EC1)
Skills: Athletics x4 (Acrobatics), Military x2 (Command), Physician x2 (First Aid), Riding x3 (Galloping)
Equipment: 1-handed sword (x3 hit, x5 dmg), leather armor (10 soak), Amazon clothes, boots, golden arm ring (5 Dinari)
That's where things stand as our adventure begins...
Swords of Zarthul, Issue #1
The three prisoners are escorted to an unexpected meeting with one of Zarthul's most powerful and influential citizens, the Blue Wizard. (Note: In this setting, anyone with the Magic advantage must also take the Freak disadvantage. Magic is not necessarily evil, but it does tend to warp the bodies of those who use it. The Blue Wizard is so named because he literally has blue skin.)
The Blue Wizard offers to clear their criminal records and give them a substantial reward if they will serve him by bringing him a legendary magical artifact called the Staff of Telios. It's said that the staff was created by a man who was the son of an Amazon queen. Knowing that as a male child he could never inherit rule over the Amazons, he set out to acquire power by another means, magic.
His staff rests in a ruined fortress on an island in the center of Lake Neer, a remote and mysterious place. The staff is protected by an enchantment and can only be removed by someone of noble Amazon blood. Hence the Blue Wizard has chosen Nimari, and on such a dangerous quest, he figured a barbarian and a thief might have skills that would come in handy too.
The party agrees to his offer and sets out on their journey, traveling up the Stormwater River to the city of Valex. Leo gets involved in a dice game, and actually wins a few coins this time, treating himself to the best food and drink in town, as well as a hot bath. (Leo, it seems, is a bit of a dandy, who frequently consults a hand mirror to make sure his hair is perfectly coiffed.)
The party sets out overland and come to a rugged mountain pass, which they try to cross at night because bad weather is on its way. This nearly results in disaster, but they make it across, though Leo ends up with an injured arm from almost falling off the path at one point. He exaggerates his injury, bitterly complaining about not being able to feel his arm, getting gangrene, &c.
After sitting out the storm in the valley beyond, the party finally reaches the shores of Lake Neer, where they camp for the night. They don't get much rest, as a pack of wolves attacks them. One grabs Leo by the leg and tries to drag him off. Nimari and Halgred fight off the wolves, though Halgred gets bitten pretty badly on the arm. Leo is just about fed up with this whole adventure and threatens to leave in the morning and go his own way, but the others convince him that he would be safer putting the water of Lake Neer between him and any other predators that might be out there, so reluctantly he agrees to stay....
Game notes (these are mostly written for a cross-post to Just getting to the adventure's main location proved to be a fairly bloody affair, but I think that's appropriate (and sometimes overlooked in fantasy games). There's a reason why most people don't venture off the beaten path, why old dungeons are just sitting there waiting to be delved. Traveling away from civilization is dangerous!
It's particularly dangerous if, like Leo, you have a low wound threshold. BASH Fantasy combat is designed to be more gritty than the supers game it's based on. Non-magical healing is slow* and every character has a wound threshold equal to Brawn x 10. Damage that exceeds this results in 1 or more Wounds; each Wound gives your character a -1 penalty to all rolls before multiplying. So for example, when Leo suffered 25 damage at one point, he also suffered 2 Wounds from that. In all he accumulated 3 Wounds in this first session, which is pretty significant. It drops his average defense roll from 28 to 16, to give you an idea of the mechanical impact.
* None of the players thought to ask if healing potions even exist in this setting or are available for sale. Nimari performed successful first aid on both Leo and Halgred, but that doesn't heal any damage immediately, it only doubles the normal heal rate, which is Brawn x 10 per week for "lethal" damage (pretty much anything other than punches, kicks, blunt staff hits, &c).
Still, despite the difficulty of the wilderness trek, much fun was had by all, and the characters' personalities and interactions are pretty well established already.