Below are some characters who are intended for a campaign in the Dragonlance world of Krynn, on the small continent of Marevium where the kender race is nonexistent, replaced by diminutive catfolk who were inspired by Wilykit and Wilykat.

Karice Starflower, Felesari (Catfolk) Bard
Agile, quick-witted and possessed of magical abilities like many of her kind, Karice is a wandering gypsy adventuress who is sometimes too curious for her own good.
Brawn -1x1, Agility +1x3, Mind x3
Advantages: Magic
Disadvantages: Small
Powers: Danger Sense 2 pts, Fleet of Foot 1 pt, Bard Spells Multipower 4 pts:
· Caille Dorchadais, Veil of Darkness: Confusion (range 5, -4 Agility rolls) [casting]
· Solas Draíochta, Enchanted Light: Illusion 3 pts [casting]
· Tuiscint Fíor, True Understanding: Omni-Reader [casting]
Skills: Athletics +1x3 (Acrobatics), Deception x3 (Lying), Performing Arts +1x3 (Flautist), Security x3 (Picking Locks), Stealth +1x3 (Hiding), Streetwise x3 (Shortcuts)
Equipment: Wooden flute (5 Marks), thieves tools, fool's gold ring (2 Marks), silver pendant (15 Marks), middle-class clothes, belt & 3 pouches, 3 Marks in coins
Sir Marric Strongblade, Knight Errant
An aged warrior who has come out of retirement to fight evil dragons and their accursed minions.
Brawn x3, Agility x2, Mind x2
Advantages: Virtuous
Disadvantages: Age (old)
Powers: Armor Familiarity 2 pts, Charisma 1 pt, Rank 1 pt, 1-Handed Sword Technique (+1 hit, +1 DM) 2 pts, Shield Deflect 1 pt
Skills: Military x2 (Command x3), Riding x3 (Control), Society x2 (Diplomacy x3)
Equipment: Chain mail (20 soak), shield (x3 defense), 1-handed sword (x3 hit, x6 dmg), dagger (x2 hit, x4 dmg), middle-class clothes, cloak, boots, belt & belt-pouch, 4 Marks in coins
Friar Bragg, Cleric of Vashla
A jovial and generously proportioned healer devoted to the goddess Vashla (known in Ansalon as Mishakal). Friar Bragg is accompanied on his journies by his orphaned 12-year-old niece, Leena, though the good friar is not always the best father figure one could hope for, being a little too fond of wine, women and song. His holy symbol glows with a faint light to warn of approaching evil.
Brawn x3, Agility x1, Mind x3
Advantages: Magic, Membership (Poor Friars of Vashla)
Disadvantages: Compulsive Drinker, Ward (Leena)
Powers: Quarterstaff Technique (+2 hit) 2 pts, Clerical Spells 5 pts:
· Shield of Grace: Deflect 3 [focus: staff] 2 pts
· Magic Balm: Healing x2 [usable on others; alchemy] 2 pts
· Sense Evil EC 0 [focus: holy symbol] 1 pt
Skills: Craftsmanship x1 (Carpentry), Humanities x3 (Religion), Occultism x3 (Channeling), Physician x3 (Herbalism)
Equipment: Quarterstaff (x3 hit, x6 stun dmg), lower-class robes, sandals, belt & 2 pouches, silver holy symbol (10 Marks), wine flask
Leena Elwend, Young Orphan
Brawn x1, Agility x2, Mind x1
Dagger (x2 hit, x2 dmg), middle-class clothes, boots, belt, cloak, 2 gold earrings (5 Marks each)
Varen the Enchanter
A young black robed wizard, trained at the renowned Tower of Hovengran, Varen is fascinated by magical lore and hopes one day to become a great mage of his Order.
Brawn x1, Agility x2, Mind x4
Advantages: Grimoire, Magic
Disadvantages: Bad Reputation, Obsession (acquiring magical knowledge and artifacts)
Powers: Feint 1 pt, Wizards Spells 6 pts:
· Sleep spell: Daze [variable; casting] 4 pts
· Enchanter's Voice: Suggestion [casting] 1 pt
· Sense Magic 1 pt
Skills: Occultism x5 (Astrology, Channeling), Riding x2 (Galloping), Social Science x4 (History), Stealth x2 (Hiding)
Equipment: 1-handed sword (x2 hit, x3 dmg), dagger (x2 hit, x2 damage), middle-class clothes, high quality boots, black robe, belt & belt-pouch, 10 Marks in coins.
Note: The traditional three orders of wizardry exist in Marevium, but the three moons are seen more as elemental powers, with different wizards having different magical talents geared toward the specialties of one order or another. White robes are known as Diviners (specializing in divination and protection spells), red robes are known as Sorcerers (specializing in illusion and transmutation), and black robes are known as Enchanters (specializing in mental control and communication with the dead). These three orders are not necessarily linked to a caster's alignment as they are in Ansalon; you might find a Diviner in the service of an evil overlord, or an Enchanter who uses his powers to fight evil. Nevertheless, due to the nature of their powers, Enchanters are frequently viewed with suspicion by the general public, and have the reputation of acting without moral scruples even when they claim to be serving the greater good.