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Star Wars
Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 8:47 am
by fairytalejedi
I decided to finally work up some Star Wars material using the underappreciated BASH Sci-Fi plus some BASH UE thrown in for good measure, principally the point-buy approach to character building. The UE's rules for Hero Points/Setbacks and power stunts also seem appropriate to the setting.
So this thread will showcase some material as it becomes post-worthy.
Mira Kaddour, Jedi Knight
Mats Duvel, Jedi Knight
Battle Droids
Mira Kaddour, Jedi Knight
Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 9:08 am
by fairytalejedi
The first character I built was a conversion of an old Clone wars character from about 15 years ago (yikes!)
In the way of build notes, the Psionic advantage and Psionic Rejuvenation power become Force Sensitive and Force Rejuvenation respectively. Also, my idea is to use BASH UE's Soak rules in terms of dice multiplier or Minion static value, but characters don't automatically get Soak. They can purchase Toughness as plot armor or mechanical armor as appropriate.
Lastly, since Danger Sense is something that's always on for Force sensitive characters in the setting, it's effectively a 4 pt power (2 pts for the power as presented in BASH Sci-Fi, +2 pts for buying the EC down to 0). It's a bit of a Jedi tax, but as they're in the the World Class point-buy category in the setting, they can afford it.

Mats Duvel, Jedi Knight
Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 1:17 pm
by fairytalejedi
Here we have another Jedi from my favorite Star Wars species, the
He's a whirling dervish of Jedi action. I made Small an advantage here, instead of a disadvantage as it's listed in BASH Sci-Fi. Using BASH UE style soak and size rules, Size -1 would cost 1 pt, so it seemed right to treat it as an advantage.
Also, if you're curious about the Jedi Order rank structure, in game terms I'm treating it like this:
Rank 1 - Padawan
Rank 2 - Knight
Rank 3 - Knight who is training or has trained a Padawan
Rank 4 - Master
Rank 5 - Council member

Battle droids
Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 8:32 am
by fairytalejedi
The droid army of the Separatists may not be impressive on an individual basis, but with overwhelming numbers they can wear down even the greatest heroes in the galaxy.
B1 Battle Droid 5 points
B1, A2, M1
20 Hits/0 Soak, Attack 14, Defense 14
Equipment: Blaster carbine (x5 dmg)
Advantage: Unliving
Disadvantage: Slave Mind
B2 Battle Droid 13 points

B2, A2, M1
30 Hits/5 Soak, Attack 21, Defense 14
Built-In Weaponry (Blaster Carbine: x5 dmg, 0 EC single fire, 4 EC burst fire) 3 pts, Toughness 1 1 pt, Weapon Technique (+1 hit) 1 pt
Advantage: Unliving
Disadvantage: Slave Mind
Droideka (Destroyer Droid) 28 points
B2, A2, M1
40 Hits/5 Soak, Attack 14 (10 with Off-Hand Shooting), Defense 14
Built-In Weaponry (Twin Blast Cannons: x6 dmg, Small Burst, 0 EC) 8 pts, Force Field 3 (100 Hits, 10 Soak) 3 pts, Off-Hand Shooting 2 pts, Toughness 1 1 pt, Wheel Mode: Running 5 (16 sq) 5 pts
Advantage: Unliving
Disadvantage: Slave Mind
Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 10:42 pm
by MrJupiter
Excellent character builds. your sheets look nice. The idea of Plot Armor is a great concept.
Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 5:58 am
by fairytalejedi

Also I was kind of testing out some general ideas for adding a pinch of UE to Sci-Fi edition. I think Sci-Fi edition mostly stands on its own, but benefits from a little more flexibility & building to point totals instead of the XP approach.
Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2017 5:25 pm
by MrJupiter
Yes, the sci-fi edition is a really good rules foundation. Not only that but it handles so many different sci-fi tropes without the need for rules expansions. I do find that I like the broader approach of the hand-to-hand combat 'styles' for Ultimate Edition ("Tough", "Grappling", "Reckless", "Cunning", etc styles) over the very specific fighting techniques found in BASH:SCI-FI ("Cyclone Kick", "Jump Kick", "Martial Block", "Punch", etc styles). Even today this book looks fantastic! I will definitely be buying the second edition of it when that eventually comes around to happening.
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 10:30 am
FTJ, do you have BASH! Fantasy: Legends of Steel. Some of the powers (like Danger Sense) have an update there for Heroic tier (as opposed to Super Heroic tier like UE) games.
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 2:43 pm
by fairytalejedi
I did look at Legends of Steel's powers, but ultimately did the write-ups as close as possible to the Sci-Fi rules. If any of this gets beyond the thought experiment stage I might reconsider how to handle the stats to make sure the math still keeps things exciting.
What I really want to do at some point is run Star Frontiers using BASH Sci-Fi, but that would be a whole other thread.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 6:24 pm
Very cool, FTJ. Some day (after I finish Awesome Powers, never fear) I want to do a UE of BASH! Fantasy and Sci-Fi. Just today I thought it might be best to have them both in a single book, since so much of the rules, scale, etc. would be the same (really the main differences are technology and magic).
Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 3:59 pm
by MrJupiter
BASHMAN wrote:Very cool, FTJ. Some day (after I finish Awesome Powers, never fear) I want to do a UE of BASH! Fantasy and Sci-Fi. Just today I thought it might be best to have them both in a single book, since so much of the rules, scale, etc. would be the same (really the main differences are technology and magic).
Hey, BASHMAN, are you talking about a BASH: HEROIC EDITION type of book as a system core, with sci-fi and fantasy chapters? That might be pretty cool... a Savage Worlds or GURPS equivalent book, but for BASH (heroic-level). All of those suggested settings could become campaign world expansions (though a small number should be included in the core book as Narrator/player game samples and imagination jump-starters).
Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 7:06 am
If you recall in the original BASH! Fantasy and Sci-Fi editions, there were chapters devoted to different subgenres? It would be like that, but with the sci-fi and fantasy subgenres all in the same book (but probably in each their own chapter).
Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 7:05 pm
by MrJupiter
BASHMAN wrote:If you recall in the original BASH! Fantasy and Sci-Fi editions, there were chapters devoted to different subgenres? It would be like that, but with the sci-fi and fantasy subgenres all in the same book (but probably in each their own chapter).
Yes, that would be very cool. BASH: HEROIC EDITION - the system explained in the heroic scale with chapters on magic/spellcasting, mutations, psionics, and mechanical/cybornetic powers.