I'm a little uncertain over how the speciality and expertise rules are handled. I understand that specializing allows for a re-roll. Does that mean that an additional skill point can be used to declare that a player has specialized in that particular skill (such as Pilot) and that provides the re-roll option?
The next paragraph is confusing:
"Instead of choosing multiple skills, you can also choose to focus on one skill, either by choosing an extra area of expertise, or by getting a +1 to that stat for resolving checks for that skill. Either case is equal an entire skill."
Does that mean any other skill? If not (I'm assuming not) then what is that "extra area of expertise"? And what does choosing an extra area of expertise provide that would make it potentially more appealing than the +1 stat (or than a re-roll)?
If it matters, I'm specifically looking for clarification for the Starship Operations skill.
It cannot be instead of "any" other skill; you have to put the skill slot in another Mental skill if it is Mental, or another Physical Skill if Physical.
Here is an example. You have Agility 2 Mind 2.
This means you have 4 skill slots. Two physical, two mental.
If you want to be really stealthy, you might put two slots in Stealth. Doing this would either allow you to increase your Stealth multiplier from x2 to x3 -OR- you can have two specialties in Stealth instead of the usual one specialty.
So you might have Stealth x3/Prowling or Stealth x2/Prowling/Palming
Note that you cannot re-invest any of your Mental skill slots in Stealth. You can either have two mental skills at x2 with one specialty each, or you can also choose to put two slots in a single mental skill.