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Species creation guidelines

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Species creation guidelines

Post by Stargazer »

Can someone please point me to towards some species creation guidelines? I am currently thinking about running a Buck Rogers XXVc game using BASH! Sci-Fi and the highest hurdle at the moment is to convert all the Gennies properly. Any help would be highly appreciated.
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Post by WaylanderPK »

Page 8 in Sci-Fi book gives a list of pre-made Species, but the preamble basically tells you what to do to make your own,'
What Sci-Fi RPG would be complete without a host of alien species for players to choose from? In BASH! Sci-Fi, there can be many different sentient beings occupying the galaxy other than humans. The Narrator can establish a guideline of what skills or powers you should pay points for, which ones you cannot buy, and what advantages or disadvantages you should take based on what species you are playing. Many species enable you to buy powers unavailable to humans (glide, aquatic, fly). The species here are
just examples. Feel free to change or add to this list! What we really recommend you do is pick and choose powers from the Alien Power List to create your own alien species!
From Wikipedia
The human DNA is modified with genes from various animals, resulting in genetically modified humans commonly known as "gennies." These play a role in the settlement of Venus, Mars, Jupiter and also of many asteroids and moons.
Decide what animal/human hybrid your going for and set min/max stats. Then decide what powers/advantages are inherent to that race.
From the Sc-Fi book one race sticks out as pre-made gennie.
The Simbasa:
1pt fleet of foot,
Athletics Skill (Acrobatics)
2pts Danger Sense,
1pt Natural Weapons.
Minimum Agility =3.
These feline humanoids look relatively similar to lions. Simbasa may have the Long Sleeper disadvantage.
The Saran (lizard folk) might also be good.

Just to clarify, those powers don't come free, to pick a particular species you have to conform to the list. So to play a Simbasa you'd have to buy Danger Sense, Natural Weapons and an Agility of 3. You can if wish get the Long Sleeper disadvantage.

Hope that helps :)
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Post by Stargazer »

Thanks a lot!
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