Those powers see alright to me. The really fit the flavor I remember the Dralasites having. (They were my best friends favorite race.)
They don't seem overpowered for their price. However take that with a grain of salt as I've only played the Ultimate edition a couple of times and never the gritter Sci-fi edition.
CuMorrig wrote:Those powers see alright to me. The really fit the flavor I remember the Dralasites having. (They were my best friends favorite race.)
They don't seem overpowered for their price. However take that with a grain of salt as I've only played the Ultimate edition a couple of times and never the gritter Sci-fi edition.
Thanks for the feedback, CuMorrig! I kind of just eyeballed a guess for their cost. Though I always leaned toward playing (though I never got to ) humans I always liked Dralasites the most out of the rest of the core races.
With the extended races I really liked the Osakar (not sure why; except that they look like they are well adapted for pulling themselves through the zero-G corridors of a ship or station).
Our game group still play Star Frontiers - original rules, not the Zebulon version. There are some bits that don't work too well but you can house round them. It's a fun game and takes me back to my youth whenever the GM dusts it of for a few sessions.
Do you know if those space opera Scenarios are available as pdfs? I'd like to convert them to run in Bash!