I've been playing RPGs since the 80s, though I lost touch with many for several years due to my local bookstore closing down not once but twice! It wasn't until recent years (thanks to online stores) that I've been able to get back into the hobby. Of course these days I have no local group to play with, so I tend to do play-by-post now.
My favorite superhero games were the old Marvel game (the FASERIP one) and GURPS SUPERS. I liked the simplicity of their systems; I'm more of a "cause first, effects later" kind of powers-designer, so pregenerated powers attract me more than, say, Champions build-every-little-detail-ahead system. Which is not to say that was bad, in fact it was enormously rewarding when you finished your character- but it took sooo long to do! And I found terms like RKA or NND annoying to read, to say nothing of all the math formulas used to calculate Stats and such.
THAT said, I *loved* the CHAMPIONS setting -the 4th edition one, anyway- I feel it was one of the most originals I've ever read (yes, for all that it ripped off more than a few Marvel characters, I still felt there were plenty original ones too.) I've seen the 5th edition but it didn't feel quite as good, for some reason.
GURPS SUPERS (the original) also had one of my favorite settings, as it explored more realistically the impact superheroes would have in the real world (while still retaining a 4-color feel). I particularly liked the GURPS International Super Teams concept, with its use of real-world political issues (some of which are now history, but hey, time doesn't pass in vain!)
Other games I've seen are: DC Heroes (never liked its system), Silver Age Sentinels (another great setting with an OK ruleset, too bad it came out shortly before its company became defunct) Heroes Unlimited (too random and limited for my taste) and Mutants and Masterminds (I have the game but never tried it, I do like the setting and the system tho, and no, I haven't seen their adaptation of DC characters yet.) Have not seen: Villains and Vigilantes, ICONS, Chimera, Aberrant or SUPERS!
So those are my opinions. What are yours?