To the Furthest Dimension! (Part Two)
The Future Force travels into Dimension Zero and finds the International Space Station adrift, and eerily empty. But as they are exploring it, a massive insectoid mother ship de-cloaks above them.
The PCs go aboard and meet the native inhabitants as well as their leader,
Kid Marvel brought along a prototype universal translator (represented by texting to player's cell phone

) and Cataclysmus tells him that he and his people are explorers too, which is why they opened a portal to Earth's dimension, though the portal technology hasn't been perfected. Pulling the human space station into Dimension Zero was an accident. The bugs tried to rescue the human crew members, but they were already dead.
The heroes are suspicious, and further investigation leads to the human scientists, who were actually captured alive and are being kept for study in stasis pods. Cataclysmus is planning an invasion!
With the scientists' pods in tow, the PCs fight their way back to their flying car; Wildstar pushes a Space enhancement and flies back to Earth with the pods, crashing down into Titan Park (though protected by her force field).
Meanwhile, Kid Marvel and Chrome take the flying car back through the portal, and Kid Marvel jury-rigs a pulse from the power supply, designed to reverse the polarity of the dimensional portal and close it as they pass through. They make it safely through, but two bug starfighters manage to follow them before the portal closes.
Kid Marvel leads one fighter toward Wildstar in the park, where they manage to capture it, only to have it self-destruct. Chrome had jumped out of the flying car to battle the second bug fighter, and eventually causes it to crash right into the URGENT office building, where it explodes, covering everyone inside in bug goo.
URGENT liaison officer, Agent Paulson, is none too happy about this, though he does note that the kids saved Earth from invasion, so he'll let it slide, this time.