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DP7 Mystery Men suggestions

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 3:15 pm
by Saker
Someone suggested to run a DP7-based game at the Mystery Men level. I collected the Marvel comic books back when but had to wiki it to remind me how much I enjoyed them. I've two suggested player characters that developed their powers after the White Event (WE). I can give them a pre-WE backgrounds closer to a game. Please provide feedback.

The natural pheromones of her body have mutated to the point of significantly affecting living beings.

Brawn 1
Agility 1
Mind 2
Abilities (8 pts.)

Suggestion (1 pt.)
Omni-Linguist [only with Multipower] (1pt.)
Boost Mind 3 [only with Multipower] (3 pt.)
Mental Multipower [only touch or small burst area] (-1 pt.)
Mind Control (5 pt.)
Mental Tampering (1 pt.)
Mastery 4 of the Animal Kingdom (2 pts.)
Powers (12 pts.)

His skin slowly became shiny silver and metallic sealing every surface and orifice. He now naturally manipulates electronics and is sustained by low voltage electricity. He has fused vision and hearing systems to his head for senses and a voicebox to communicate. His touch sense is unaltered, but he can not smell.

Brawn 2
Agility 1
Mind 1
Abilities (8 pts.)

Armor 2 (2 pt.)
Resistance to fire, cold, pressure & radiation (2 pt.)
Keen Senses (sight & hearing) (2 pt.)
Super Senses (radio, infrared & ultra-violet) (4 pt.)
Scan 3 (only electronics) (2 pt.)
Mastery 3 electronics (touch only) (2 pt.)
Powers (14 pts.)

Advantages: Unliving

Disadvantages: Freak

Weakness: Damaging Weakness vs. high voltage electricity

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 9:28 pm
by MrJupiter
Never heard of DP-7 before (Thank-you Google and Wikipedia). This sounds like a cool game setting idea. Great characters, Saker!

Chrome 2

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:40 am
by Saker
It looks like DP7 is a GO, so I've chosen Chrome. I've taken the opportunity to rebuild him in a different direction. The base is that the character's skin has completely transformed into metal and sealed every orifice (ears, nose, mouth and output). Therefore, he has obviously gained some armor and resistance.

The differences between Colossus per se are two things:
1. He is normally, completely sensory deprived, except for touch
2. He is sensitive to and can manipulate electronics

From the original build, I changed a few things:
1. I've replaced keen senses and mind boost with Mind 4. I know this goes against some players sense but not me. I justify the higher mind defenses as a by-product of time spent sensory deprived until he figured out how to connect to electronics.
2. I've added unskilled to remove the additional skills from Mind 4
3. I've added versatile and removed super senses of IR & UV with the thought that those are not normally lying around for him to graft... that's how he gets his senses.
4. I've changed the weakness to make normal sight, hearing & speaking easily taken gadgets: web cams, microphones & voicebox
5. I replaced Scan electronics with Sense electronics
6. I added some Healing for the Unlivingness
7. I reduced the Mastery because of the higher Mind

Brawn 2
Agility 1
Mind 4
Abilities (14 pts.)

Armor 2 (2 pt)
Resistance to fire, cold, pressure & radiation (2 pt.)
Sense electronics (1 pt)
Healing 2 (touching low voltage electricity) (1 pt)
Mastery 2 electronics (touch only) (1 pt)
Super Sense - Radio (easily taken gadget) (1 pt)
Powers (8 pts.)

Skills: Computers/Repair, Technology/Repair

Advantages: Unliving, Versatile

Disadvantages: Freak, Unskilled

Weakness: normal sight, hearing and speaking are easily taken gadgets

Story: Estevan Valdes worked in a electronics repair store. Immediately after the Mayan Event, he got a silvery rash on a couple of places on his body. It rapidly spread encouraging him to rush to the hospital. He was in quarantine when it finally sealed him up. He went into convulsions as he got acclimated to not breathing, seeing, hearing or speaking. Hospital staff were overwhelmed that he didn't die. He began to realize his electronics sense with the hospital equipment near him. Depending on timeline to start the game, he experimented with an appropriated cell phone with its camera (sight), microphone (hearing) & speaker (voice).

Comments desired...


Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:23 pm
by DeaconAbyss
On his name, it is Miami so Carribean especially Cuban, Jamacian, Hatian ect would not be uncommon.

I dont have a problem with unliving, that being said. I also noticed you do have a few powers using mind. Not sure if you want or need your mind that high. The choice is yours, I have no problem with it. Have you tried a lower mind with a multipower and Boost Mind for pool only. Unliving has its own "defenses" built in.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:08 pm
by Saker

The old build is a couple posts earlier and has the lower Mind and the Boost. The new build feels cleaner to me, but it's all preferences. That's why I asked for comments... and you are the GM.


Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:58 pm
by DeaconAbyss
as long as you dig it!!! thats what matters