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San Angelo Justice Foundation
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 2:16 pm
by Solarblast
Been thinking about running a San Angelo City of Heroes using BASH. San Angelo is a superhero setting put out by Gold Rush games. It was intended to resemble Astro City. So here are the characters in the sourcebook, starting with the Justice Foundation.
24 points (10 Stats, 14 Powers )
Brawn 2 Agility 2 Mind 1
x2 Defence, x1 Mental Defence, x3 Soak
- * Heightened (Agility) 1 (+3 Result bonus to Agility rolls. Triple lifting benchmarks.) (1pts)
* Heightened (Brawn) 1 (+3 Result bonus to Brawn rolls. x3 Lift.) (1pts)
* Maquahultl (Aztec sword) : Special Attack (Hand to Hand/Thrown) 3 (Agility +0DM to Hit and Brawn +3DM to Damage; total x2+3 to hit, x5+3 damage.) (2pts)
- * Limitation: Gadget (Easily Taken) Gadget has 60 hits and Soak 30. Can be disarmed or taken by enemies.
* Fleet of Foot 1 (Run 8 squares per panel. Jump 5 squares. Does not stack with other forms of super movement.) (1pts)
* Armor 1 (+1 to Brawn to Soak damage.) (1pts)
* Martial Arts Mastery (Five Styles) 3 (<i>Fast</i>: Priority is Agility + 1.<i>Tough</i>: +2 Brawn to soak hand-to-hand attacks (max 5, does not stack with Armor).<i>Defensive</i>: +2 Agility to defend against hand-to-hand attacks (max 5).<i>Grappling</i>: Get reversal of 10+, even on foe's panel. +1 multiplier on wrestling rolls.<i>Tricky</i>: If an attack on you misses and you roll doubles on defence, get free unarmed attack.) (3pts)
* Skillful 2 (Gain 4 extra skill slots.) (2pts)
* Tae Kwon Do : Weapon Technique (1 to Hit, 1 Damage) 2 (+1 to Agility to Hit, and +1 to damage multiplier with specific weapon.) With HTH Combat (3pts)
- * Enhancement: Variable When you use this power, you can trade levels of this power for points in Area or Range effects.
Mental Skills: Medicine/First Aid x1, Streewise/Gather Information x1, Technology/Repair x1
Physical Skills: Athletics/Acrobatics & Climbing x2, Drive/Acceleration x2, Stealth/Prowling x2
Advantages & Disadvantages
Police Powers: You have legal authority, and can arrest criminals.
In a Relationship: You have a significant other that is a source of conflict. Parents
Priority: x3+3,
Defence: x2+3,
Mental Defence: x1,
Soak: x3+3,
Hits: 100
Lift: 1200 lbs,
Run: 8 squares,
Jump: 5 squares,
Climb: 2 squares,
Swim: 2 squares
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 2:20 pm
by Solarblast
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 2:25 pm
by Solarblast
Background: Ever since he was a child, Diego Cruz
had adored his older brother. Santiago was the leader
ofthe Varrio Mission Boys, the toughest street gang in
North Mission. Diego wanted nothing more than to follow his brother into the gang, even though Santiago
kept running him off whenever he tried to hang around.
Then a drive-by shooting by a rival gang brought
Santiagodown. Dying in the street, he ordered the teenageDiego not to avenge him and told him to make something of his life.
Diegodidn'tlisten.After Santiago's funeral, hejoined
the Varrio Mission Boys. With one of his new gang
brothers at the wheel he went on a drive-by to pay back
Santiago's killers. Diego missed the shot, though, and
when the driver tried to elude a police car he crashed.
A young girl hit by the skidding car was killed. The
driver went to jail, and Diego was sentenced to probation. An idealistic black probation officer, Wayne
Dozier, tried to turn the angry young man around, teaching himTaeKwan Do to give him some self-discipline.
But Diego wavered between going straight and staying
true to the Varrio Mission Boys. During a probation
search of one of Diego's homeboys, Dozier was shot
and killed.
Diego finally decided to heed the words ofhis brother,
and his mentor. He left the gang life behind, walking a
gauntlet of Varrio Mission Boys who beat him brutally. Diego didn't fight back, finally staggering to the
end of the gauntlet before collapsing. His gang brothers walked away from him forever.
He had always been the strongest, fastest and most
agile kid on the block, but as Diego continued his martial arts training he discovered that he was actually superhuman in some ways. He decided to put his abilities
to use helping others, and when a chance to join the
newly created Justice Foundation hero team came his
way Diego signed on.
He fights under the name Azteca, to honor his Latino
heritage, but is also studying at San Angelo City College to become a paramedic. His parents, Armando and
Marguerite Cruz, run a corner grocery in North Mission.
Quote: "You looking for trouble? I'll show you
Personality: Azteca can be impulsive and hot-tempered, though he tries to keep his anger in check. Sometimes he feels that he still must prove to others that he
has truly reformed. Azteca is quite proud of his Latino
heritage, and wants to be a good role model for young
people. In particular, he tries to dissuade teens from
getting involved in gangs. He has had no contact with
the Varrio Mission Boys; he is dead to the gang.
Powers/Tactics: Azteca has enhanced strength, agility and defenses. He is a skilled martial artists who
fights using tae kwan do. He also carries an Aztec
sword, known as a maquahuitl, made of wood with a
sharpened obsidian edge. Azteca only uses the sword
against inanimate objects, in keeping with his code
against killing.
In combat, Azteca prefers to fight other martial artists but does not hesitate to take on more powerful foes
if necessary. When battling a particularly dangerous
enemy, Azteca relies heavily on martial maneuvers that
boost his DCV.
Appearance: Diego Cruz, 21, stands 5' 11" tall and
has a muscular build. He has black hair, brown eyes
and a dark complexion. As Azteca, he wears a loosefitting sleeveless jacket with an Aztec symbol on the
back and short black pants.
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 2:52 pm
by Solarblast
25 points (8 Stats, 21 Powers , -4 Weaknesses)
Description...Callie Dalton always had a passion for justice. Even as a child, she insisted the villains in her bedtime stoiies be made to see the enor of their ways. A legal career was a natural step, and after graduating from law school with honors Dalton went to work at one of San Angelo's top legal firms. While she soon discovered the occasional gaps between justice and the law, Dalton never lost her determination to see right triumph over wrong. Shortly after going to work at the law firm, Dalton became lost while hiking in the high mountains. Night fell, and Dalton huddled shivering against a rock as a shower of falling stars began. Suddenly there was a bright flash and an explosion! Rangers checking out the meteor strike the next day found Dalton unconscious at the edge of the blast radius. After a few days in the hospital, she returned to work. But something seemed different, and soon Dalton realized that she could now produce flames from her body, just by concentrating! The strange energies released by the meteor strike had somehow altered her, transforming her into a superhuman with control over fire and flame. After learning to control her powers, Dalton became the superhero Corona, carrying her fight against injustice and dedication to helping others to a new arena. When the non-profit Justice Foundation sought her out to discuss forming a team of super humans to protect San Angelo, Corona didn't hesitate to volunteer. Her idealism quickly captured the respect of her teammates, and Corona became the leader of the team. Corona recently purchased a small, quaint home in Midtown with her longtime companion, Tracy Keller. An artist, Keller works for a graphic design firm downtown. She is aware of Dalton's superhuman alter ego and supportive of her commitment to helping others.
Mental Malfunction: Corona's unshakable conviction that supers must use their powers to benefit humanity forms the guiding spirit of the Justice Foundation hero team. She is a strong leader, who never hesitates to do the right thing no matter the risk orcost. Corona has earned the respect and trust of her teammates for her able, compassionate leadership. Fiercely determined, Corona never admits defeat. Her grit has won several battles in which Corona refused to go down despite relentless attacks, giving her fallen friends time to recover and rejoin the fray.
Brawn 1 Agility 2 Mind 1
x2 Defence, x1 Mental Defence, x4 Soak
- * Personal fire shield : Armor 3 (+3 to Brawn to Soak damage.) (3pts)
* Flame Blast : Special Attack (Ranged) 5 (Agility +2DM to Hit and Mind +3DM to Damage; total x6 to hit, x7 damage.) (7pts)
- * Tagged with [Flame Blast]
* Enhancement: Range (Mid) Range of 5x power's damage multiplier, or 5x power level (25 sq.).
* Boost (Mind) 3 (Increase Mind by 3 in specific conditions or circumstance.) (3pts)
- * Applies to powers tagged with [Flame Blast]
* Force Field (Damage Shield) 3 (Damage shield has 40 hits. Soaks 10 damage when hit. Inflicts 2DM on contact.) (3pts)
* Flight 3 (Fly 15 squares per panel.) (3pts)
* Boost (Agility) 2 (Increase Agility by 2 in specific conditions or circumstance.) (2pts)
- * Applies to powers tagged with [Flame Blast]
Devastating Weakness (Damaging): Triple damage from Cold Attacks (-4pts)
Mental Skills: Social Science/Law x2
Physical Skills: Perform/Oratory x2
Advantages & Disadvantages
Police Powers: You have legal authority, and can arrest criminals.
Never Surrender: Once per issue recover from one negative status, and restore Hits to 20.
In a Relationship: You have a significant other that is a source of conflict. Tracy Keller partner.
Physically Challenged: You have a disability that causes you difficulty. Using flame powers for long periods dehydrate Corona
Priority: x2,
Defence: x2,
Mental Defence: x1,
Soak: x4,
Hits: 100
Lift: 50 lbs,
Run: 6 squares,
Jump: 1 squares,
Climb: 1 squares,
Fly: 15 squares,
Swim: 1 squares