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Druid character for checking please

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 12:53 pm
by CaptainChris
Druid PC please check it out for logic and sense of powers including costs.
I have used quite a few different ways of creation and I am not 100% sure I can or have it right.

Simon the Druid
B1 A2 M2

Druidic mystical powers:- all powered from Ley-Line energy [main limitation] power pool = 13
When other limitations apply you get a hero point to use, only once per session each.
1 - Move along Ley-Lines. (2pt) By concentrating you can open a gateway on a Ley-Line which will open to a pint up to 500 miles away on Ley-Line, either a known point or a stated distance. [Teleportation 2, Only on Ley-Lines, [Mind 10 to find one]]
2 - Change body to wood, (1pt) you can make your body as hard as oak increase soak by 2 [Armour 2]
3 - Animal Form (5pt) - You can change yourself into a bear, wolf, salmon or eagle. [Shape Shifting 4 linked with Boost 3 to give 3 extra stat points.]
Bear B3 A2 paired Claws & Bite
Wolf B2 A3 Fleet of foot +1 Agility for movement; Fast Style Martial art +1 Agility for priority.
Salmon B1 A2 Swim 5 squares & gills Super swimming 4
Eagle B2 A3 Fly 10 squares; Claws +1 Brawn for damage
4 - Control Nature, (8pt) you have the ability to control the natural world around you. [Mulitpower]
4A - Tangling plants, (4pt) [Immobilisation 3; area - 2x2 squares, ranged - 5 squares] Plants grow out of the ground and grab and wrap around slowing others down. Only works if they are on the ground.
4B - Stinging thorns, (4pt) [Continual Damage 3; area - 2x2 squares, ranged - 5 squares] Plants attack all enemies of the caster in the area as long as they are on the ground.
4C - Call Natures spirits to Help, (4pt) [Summoning 4] You call on natures spirit creatures to help you. All are immune to mundane damage, IE from non super attacks also weak x3 dam from sliver or cold iron. Only one of.

Bear B3 A2 M1 paired Claws & Bite 2 x Attack 14 Defence 14 Soak 21 Dam X3 HP60
Skills: Athlete/Climbing, Stealth/Prowling, Outdoor/Tracking
Wolf B2 A3 M1 Fleet of foot +1 Agility for movement; Fast Style Martial art +1 Agility for priority.
Attack 21 Defence 21 Soak 14 Dam X2 HP60
Skills: Athlete x4Running, Stealth/Prowling, Outdoor/Tracking
Eagle B1 A4 M1 Fly 10 squares; sharp Claws +1 Brawn for damage
Attack 28 Defence 28 Soak 7 Dam X2 HP60
Skills: Athlete/Flying x3, Stealth/Prowling, Outdoor/Tracking

Physical - Craftsman/Leatherwork; Perform/Juggling
Mental - Occultism/Astrology; Medicine/Animals

Appeal [People like you and want to be
around you. Whenever you try to charm or persuade someone of anything, you get a +2 Multiplier Bonus. This will not
work in combat.]

Normal [You are a normal person, your powers only manifest when you power them up, as you do plant life around you all gain new life.]
Weakness to worked metal. X2 dam
CHARACTER POINTS - 10+16-2 =24

Druid was a normal druidic sun worshiper until one solstice at Stonehenge when as the sun rose shining through a gap in the dark storm clouds Simon, was leaning against one of the stones, when a freak lighting bolt struck. It coursed through the stone and Simon. He was rushed to hospital badly burned and injured, Simon was close to death, however he survived and over the next few weeks he found that he had gained the power of the druids. The ability to harness the power of the ley-lines and use it to call on nature. He can change his skinto the hardness of oak, change into a animal, or call upon the sprits of plants and animals for help.
Taking the name Druid Simon has started to use his new abilities to protect nature and fight evil.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 6:55 pm
by MrJupiter
Excellent ideas for your druid character. If I understand it correctly, all of his druidic powers require that Simon be within close proximity to a ley line: a mystical channel of spiritual/supernatural energy. This is a cool idea, but it begs a few questions in order to understand how it is that this energy source manifests as a limitation for your character:

1] Are these ley lines plentiful (say several cross an average city block) or is it relatively rare occurrence to actually be standing within useful proximity to such a field of energy (maybe two or three in a typical city)?
Druid: "Look guys, my magic is useless to help us here. Can we move this fight over to the next block? There is a strong Ley Line over there that I can tap into."
2] Does the druid need to be right on top of the ley line or merely within an acceptable range of it in order to draw energy from it?

Here is an idea that help help to sort some of these details out in a vague sort of way. Re-skin the Activation limitation as a proxy for determining if the hero is close enough to one to use its energies. Usually, he can tap one of these mystical channels (by rolling a 2-6 on a d6), but occasionally, he will find himself in a "dead zone" (on a roll of 1). The Narrator might also dictate that something like a heavy, industrial area that is quite devoid of natural features like parks, lawns and what-not, might actually starve off, or weaken, these lines and thus might require an activation roll of 3 or 4 and higher before the hero can tap into this energy (i.e. also fails on a roll of 2 or 3).

This might not be a perfect interpretation for a Ley Line limitation, but it fits within the BASH rules structure without having to create an extravagant house rule.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 7:53 pm
by MrJupiter
Your powers (with whatever interpretation of "Ley-Line limit"), Most of these look great, but I've put notes where
1] Ley-Line Teleportation 2 <Ley> = 1pt
2] Body to Wood Armor 2 <Ley> = 1pt
3] Animal Form Shape-Shifting <Ley> LINKED with Boost 3 = 5pts
-- Bear: 2 Stat dice into Brawn + 1 Stat die into Special Attack 2 (?) for claw and bite. [If so, that's good.]
-- Wolf: 1 Stat into Brawn, 1 stat into Agility, and break 1 stat die into Fleet of Foot and Martial Arts Mastery 1. [Perfect.]
-- Salmon: break the 3 Stat dice into Super Swimming 5 and maybe Immunity 1 (suffocation). [If so, that's good.]
-- Eagle: 1 Stat into Brawn, 1 Stat into Agility, and break 1 Stat into Flight 2 <limit>, and Special Attack 1 (claws, +1 DM). [Good.]
4] Control Nature Multi-power = 4+1+1= 6pts
-- Tangling Plants Immobilization 3 [Small Burst] [Close range] <Ley>
-- Stinging Thorns Continual Damage 3 [Small Burst] [Close range] <Ley>
-- Nature Spirits Summoning 4 (6 levels distributed among all stats; 4 points in powers*) <Ley>
Summoned Creatures:
*Bear: 6 levels in Stats, 2 points in powers (Special Attack 2).
*Wolf: 6 levels in Stats, 2 points in powers (Fleet of Foot, Martial Arts Mastery 1).
*Eagle: 6 levels in Stats, 2 points in powers (Flight 2 <limit>, Special Attack 1).

Note: The Immunity to normal weapons is too broad in scope for the spirit of the power. You could substitute it for something like Armor 2 <No>. It's not quite as effective as what you had, but helps.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 8:03 pm
by MrJupiter
Sorry, the post didn't take very well anywhere I posted that have the arrow brackets surrounding them.
-Where you see "Ley" between them it should say "Ley-Line limit"
-For the Eagle form and summoned Eagle, the Flight "limit" should read "Limit: Wings"
-For the suggested Armor 2 power the "No" should read "No Effect vs. Iron, Silver, and magic weapons"

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 8:25 pm
by MrJupiter
As for your character's Normal disadvantage, I'm not sure that it is the best one to use. If Ley Lines are really sparse, then it could easily apply as it would take a bit of effort for Simon to find one to power his druidic magic.

If, however, those powers are as readily available as a result of 2-5 on a 1d6 Activation roll, then they are almost always with him.

Maybe consider these alternatives:
Arch-Enemy: You have inherited a nasty villain that has long been an enemy of the druids.
On the Run: Maybe a number of environmentally unfriendly industries don't like you and have managed to use thier media influence to paint you as an eco-terrorist.
Susceptibility: You have a -3 modifier to Mind (or Agility if you prefer) rolls when in areas of great toxic contamination.
Revolting Development: (From ADEL FILE) You have discovered that areas of extreme toxic contamination disrupt the Ley-Lines. When in those areas you must roll a 6 on your Activation rolls in order to tap into those mystic channels of energy.

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:03 am
by CaptainChris
MrJupiter wrote:Excellent ideas for your druid character. If I understand it correctly, all of his druidic powers require that Simon be within close proximity to a ley line: a mystical channel of spiritual/supernatural energy. This is a cool idea, but it begs a few questions in order to understand how it is that this energy source manifests as a limitation for your character:
No the energy he needs to power the effects comes from his power pool [requires energy limitation!] which can only recharge on a Ley-Line. So although he can use the powers he is limited in his recharge.
The Ley-Lines only directly effect Teleport as it has to be along a Ley-Line.
MrJupiter wrote: 1] Are these ley lines plentiful (say several cross an average city block) or is it relatively rare occurrence to actually be standing within useful proximity to such a field of energy (maybe two or three in a typical city)?
Druid: "Look guys, my magic is useless to help us here. Can we move this fight over to the next block? There is a strong Ley Line over there that I can tap into."
2] Does the druid need to be right on top of the ley line or merely within an acceptable range of it in order to draw energy from it?

Here is an idea that help help to sort some of these details out in a vague sort of way. Re-skin the Activation limitation as a proxy for determining if the hero is close enough to one to use its energies. Usually, he can tap one of these mystical channels (by rolling a 2-6 on a d6), but occasionally, he will find himself in a "dead zone" (on a roll of 1). The Narrator might also dictate that something like a heavy, industrial area that is quite devoid of natural features like parks, lawns and what-not, might actually starve off, or weaken, these lines and thus might require an activation roll of 3 or 4 and higher before the hero can tap into this energy (i.e. also fails on a roll of 2 or 3).

This might not be a perfect interpretation for a Ley Line limitation, but it fits within the BASH rules structure without having to create an extravagant house rule.
That is why he has to make a Mind check to find a Ley-Line to teleport along. If he fails he can not Teleport or recharge.
Hope that is a bit clearer..

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:15 am
by CaptainChris
MrJupiter wrote:Your powers (with whatever interpretation of "Ley-Line limit"), Most of these look great, but I've put notes where
1] Ley-Line Teleportation 2 <Ley> = 1pt
2] Body to Wood Armor 2 <Ley> = 1pt
These should be limited by use of the power need rather than Ley-Line
MrJupiter wrote:3] Animal Form Shape-Shifting <Ley> LINKED with Boost 3 = 5pts
-- Bear: 2 Stat dice into Brawn + 1 Stat die into Special Attack 2 (?) for claw and bite. [If so, that's good.]
-- Wolf: 1 Stat into Brawn, 1 stat into Agility, and break 1 stat die into Fleet of Foot and Martial Arts Mastery 1. [Perfect.]
-- Salmon: break the 3 Stat dice into Super Swimming 5 and maybe Immunity 1 (suffocation). [If so, that's good.]
-- Eagle: 1 Stat into Brawn, 1 Stat into Agility, and break 1 Stat into Flight 2 <limit>, and Special Attack 1 (claws, +1 DM). [Good.]
4] Control Nature Multi-power = 4+1+1= 6pts
Should this be 4+2+2 as they are from different types?
-- Tangling Plants Immobilization 3 [Small Burst] [Close range] <Ley>
-- Stinging Thorns Continual Damage 3 [Small Burst] [Close range] <Ley>
-- Nature Spirits Summoning 4 (6 levels distributed among all stats; 4 points in powers*) <Ley>
Summoned Creatures:
*Bear: 6 levels in Stats, 2 points in powers (Special Attack 2).
*Wolf: 6 levels in Stats, 2 points in powers (Fleet of Foot, Martial Arts Mastery 1).
*Eagle: 6 levels in Stats, 2 points in powers (Flight 2 <limit>, Special Attack 1).

Note: The Immunity to normal weapons is too broad in scope for the spirit of the power. You could substitute it for something like Armor 2 <No>. It's not quite as effective as what you had, but helps.

How about immunity to worked metal instead to keep to the theme?

Thanks for the input

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:59 pm
Thinking about it, would Plant Mastery and Animal Mastery not also make sense to add? Not that you need a ton of it; 1 Rank of each would be pretty useful at times.

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 3:39 pm
by CaptainChris
Played around with it a bit how about this
CHARACTER POINTS - 10+16-2 =24

Simon B1 A2 M2

Druidic mystical powers:- all powered from Ley-Line energy [main limitation on all powers below] Energy pool = 15
When other limitations apply you get a hero point to use, only once per session each.

1 - Move along Ley-Lines. (2pt) By concentrating you can open a gateway on a Ley-Line which will open to a point up to 500 miles away on Ley-Line, either a known point or a stated distance. [Teleportation 2+1, Only on Ley-Lines, [Mind 10 to find one]]
2 - Change body to wood, (1pt) you can make your body as hard as oak increase soak by 2 [Armour 2]
3 - Animal Form (5pt) - You can change yourself into a bear, wolf, salmon or eagle. [Shape Shifting 4 linked with Boost 3 to give 3 extra stat points for 6 total.]
Bear B3 A2 paired Claws & Bite weapons attack
Wolf B2 A3 Fleet of foot +1 Agility for movement; You run your Agility x4 squares per panel, and you jump your Brawn+1 squares. Fast Style Martial art +1 Agility for priority.
Salmon B1 A2 Gills & Swim 6 squares [Super swimming 5; Immunity 1 to lack of air only in water]
Eagle B1 A2 Fly 20 squares; Claws +1dm for damage [Flight 4 wings; Special Attack +1 attack +1Dm Claws]
4 - Control Nature Multi-Power, (7pt) you have the ability to control the natural world around you. [4+1+2]
4A - Tangling plants, (4pt) [Immobilisation 3; area - 2x2 squares, ranged - 5 squares] Plants grow out of the ground and grab and wrap around slowing others down. Only works if targets are on the ground.
4B - Stinging thorns, (4pt) [Continual Damage 3; area - 2x2 squares, ranged - 5 squares] Plants attack all enemies of the caster in the area as long as they are on the ground.
4C - Call Natures spirits to Help, (4pt) [Summoning 4+1] You call on natures spirit creatures to help you. All are immune to worked metal damage, but also weak x3 dam from sliver or cold iron. Only one of the following each with HP60 See over for stats.
Mastery of Mammals 1 (1pt) call from 1 mile range effect 10sq area doing a few hours work at Diff 10
Mastery of all Plants 1 (0pt) Effect 10sq area. [only costs 0 as both cost 1-1]

Bear B3 A2 M1 [paired special attack Claws & Bite +2dm] 2 x Attack 14 Defence 14 Soak 15 Dam X5 Skills: Athlete/Climbing, Stealth/Prowling, Outdoor/Tracking
Wolf B2 A3 M1 Fleet of foot +1 Agility for movement; Super Jump 40sq; Fast & Defensive Style Martial art +1 Agility for priority +2 Defence
Attack 21 Defence 21 Soak 14 Dam X2 Skills: Athlete x4Running, Stealth/Prowling, Outdoor/Tracking
Eagle B1 A4 M1 Fly 15 squares; sharp Claws 2dm [Flight 3 wings; Special Attack +1Dm Claws]
Attack 35 Defence 28 Soak 5 Dam X2 Skills: Athlete/Flying x3, Stealth/Prowling, Outdoor/Tracking

Physical - Craftsman/Leatherwork; Perform/Juggling
Mental - Occultism/Astrology; Medicine/Animals
Appeal [People like you and want to be
around you. Whenever you try to charm or persuade someone of anything, you get a +2 Multiplier Bonus. This will not
work in combat.]
Normal [You are a normal person, your powers only manifest when you power them up, as you do plant life around you all gain new life.]
Weakness to worked metal. X2 dam

MENTAL MALFUCTION: - Protect the Natural world

Simon, a vet, was a normal druidic sun worshiper until one solstice at Stonehenge when as the sun rose shining through a gap in the dark storm clouds Simon, was leaning against one of the stones, when a freak lighting bolt struck. It coursed through the stone and Simon. He was rushed to hospital badly burned and injured, Simon was close to death, however he survived and over the next few weeks he found that he had gained the power of the druids. The ability to harness the power of the ley-lines and use it to call on nature. He can change his skinto the hardness of oak, change into a animal, or call upon the sprits of plants and animals for help.
Taking the name Druid Simon has started to use his new abilities to protect the natural world and fight the evil destroying it.

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 5:48 pm
by MrJupiter
Hey Chris, you are right about the Control Nature multi-power and I see that you have it already corrected on the revision. The Summon Animals Immunity to worked metal is a little broad (considering that the vast majority of weapons are made from metal that has been melted, extruded, machined, etc to some degree or another). If it were my game I'd probably suggest that they put a limit on the Immunity like No Effect vs. Silver, or enchanted metals) before I'd give it approval.

The Mastery of Mammals is good, but I don't understand the 0 point cost for Mastery of all Plants. Even with a limitation applied, all powers will cost a minimum of 1 Character Point to buy. Just the same, I'm glad that you added these to Druid's abilities as they are a natural fit for him.

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 2:46 am
by CaptainChris
MrJupiter wrote:Hey Chris, you are right about the Control Nature multi-power and I see that you have it already corrected on the revision. The Summon Animals Immunity to worked metal is a little broad (considering that the vast majority of weapons are made from metal that has been melted, extruded, machined, etc to some degree or another). If it were my game I'd probably suggest that they put a limit on the Immunity like No Effect vs. Silver, or enchanted metals) before I'd give it approval.

The Mastery of Mammals is good, but I don't understand the 0 point cost for Mastery of all Plants. Even with a limitation applied, all powers will cost a minimum of 1 Character Point to buy. Just the same, I'm glad that you added these to Druid's abilities as they are a natural fit for him.
Summon animals at the moment
All are immune to worked metal damage, but also weak x3 dam from sliver or cold iron.

As most villains use super powers rather than weapons i am not sure it is to broad. However I do like the enchanted metals add so might increase the weakness.

Would Immune to worked natural metals be better other than sliver or enchanted metals which also cause x3 dam due to weakness.?

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 5:20 pm
CaptainChris, does regular metal just bounce off them, or does it go through them like a ghost? If the Hulk were wearing a metal gauntlet, would his punch not hurt them?

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 5:34 pm
by CaptainChris
BASHMAN wrote:CaptainChris, does regular metal just bounce off them, or does it go through them like a ghost? If the Hulk were wearing a metal gauntlet, would his punch not hurt them?
Good question.
My thoughts where that as animal spirits only natural things effect them so worked metal just goes right through them. The idea was that as spirits bullets and such would not effect them.
So the hulk would hurt them as he is a natural being.

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 7:05 pm
Then you want to give them Ghost Form with the Weakness of Vulnerability to natural things. So metal including bullets, etc. will just go through them.

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 4:16 am
by CaptainChris
BASHMAN wrote:Then you want to give them Ghost Form with the Weakness of Vulnerability to natural things. So metal including bullets, etc. will just go through them.
Hi Bashman

Sorry I do not see how that works.
1-3 pts; Maintained
You can become insubstantial, able to walk through walls, allow bullets pass through you, etc. You can still be harmed or affected by energy and mental attacks, however. While you are impervious to physical attacks, you also cannot manipulate the physical world either. While you can sink into the ground, you
have no way of rising unless you also have Flight or some similar Ability. If you only have the 2 pt version of this power, your form may only be partially insubstantial- such as turning into a liquid, or smoke- you would not be able to pass through air-tight barriers, for instance. The 1 pt version of this power leaves you semisolid- you take half damage from physical attacks (energy and mental abilities still have the full effect on you), and squeezing through tight spaces [like under a door] is a slow process- taking an entire page to move 1 square. However, you are also able to manipulate physical objects and make physical attacks- though any dice results (damage or skills) are halved.
I don't want them falling through floors or having no damage.
The 2 pt form with half damage taken could work but as there attacks are halved as well that is not so good. Adding Ghost Strike (+2 pts): would help but put the summoned creatures over there available points. with the extra 4 points for this. They only get 6 in stats a 4 in powers all of which are used.

Thanks for the help,