Fancy building my NPC's?
Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 3:56 am
Hi Guys,
Just prepping for season 5 of my game and I have a group who may turn up to oppose the players.
They are call The Menagerie and are in them employ of the the British Government.
Ms Bleak (female iceman) - done
Montague Smythe (Steam gun + helmet) - done
The need stating if anyone fancies a go, they will oppose 20-28 point heroes, so street level.
Just prepping for season 5 of my game and I have a group who may turn up to oppose the players.
They are call The Menagerie and are in them employ of the the British Government.
Ms Bleak (female iceman) - done
Montague Smythe (Steam gun + helmet) - done
The need stating if anyone fancies a go, they will oppose 20-28 point heroes, so street level.
- Mr Lyndo Irish one legged (Probability controller)
Mr Baker (blind yet never misses a shot, massive rifle)
The Duke of Blades Officer of the Welsh Guards (the greatest blade in London or so they say)
Heart of Oak (looks like a ships wooden figure head, bearded sailor)