I keep spending all my free 'net-time here...I'll have to get back to RPGnet again!BASHMAN wrote:When you get this batch done, feel free to put them up on the "Archetypes" thread on rpg.net- I really like them!
PS- I know you do this in MS Word- how do you get it from a word doc into an image format?
OK, the way I do it is:
*Save as a word DOC (in case I need to make changes later)
*I use a Mac, so I go to File>Print...this brings up a print window that has a PDF option. With this option I can save it as a PDF.
*If you use Windows, you should be able to get the same result by using CutePDF, a plug-in which can output documents as PDFs.
*I then open the PDF in GIMP (a free graphics program for WIN or MAC...you should be able to do this in PhotoShop as well) and Save As into a PNG file.
I then size the PNG file down slightly, from 1100 pixels high to 1000, which fits them on the forum pages better, and upload it here!
Let me know if that all makes sense. It's late here...